Monday, February 28, 2005

Tonto or Buddha?

Can't decide if you like Tonto Savalas or the Buddha All-Stars better, well here's the answer to your problem.

A Quick One

Racing on the streets of Detroit?

Sunday, February 27, 2005

More Poop

Everybody Poops is actually a well known book among the parent crowd, my 11 year old daughter had it when she was a baby. This may also be of interest to some of you.

Random Crap

Everyone poops. Really. Hey, that would make a good bumper sticker. If that's not your cup of tea, how about a bunny to make you feel better. Don't tell me you came here looking for naked women? Oh, why do I bother? Go make snowflakes for all I care!

The Original New Timbre Orchestra

Are these the musical fore-father's of Tonto Savalas? Meet Tonto's Expanding Head Band. Apparently, they were really into moogs and such.

Music Meme

I've been seeing this music meme pop up in a lot of places, so I though I'd give it a try...

1. Total amount of music files on your computer:

6.24gig. Mainly because that's all the space I got.

2. The last CD you bought was:

Electric 6- Fire.

3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?

Chesley's Little Wrists by Pavement

4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.

-Planet Queen, T. Rex
"Flying saucer take me away. Gimme your daughter." No idea what this is supposed to mean, but hell, I dig it.

-Holland, 1945, Neutral Milk Hotel
This song is loud and big, distorted; it really fills up your ears. The lyrics sound like storytelling by opening the faucet in your brain. Good stuff.

-Running Away, Bob Marley
I like the crazy in music and Bob brings me a whole steaming pile of the crazy in this song. The music stays slow and soothing while Bob let's the inner voices run wild with his angelic back-up singers echoing it all back at him.

-Music for my Mother, Funkadelic
Close your eyes and just listen to this song. It makes my whole body groove right along with it for five and a half minutes. Plus, it reminds us of what's really important. Stop running, forget fear and just take a funk break.

-Baby's on Fire, Brian Eno
The lyrics are purely delicious detached cynicysm, the guitar solo is one of my all-time favorites and this song just does it for me. 'Nuff said.

-Thirteen, Big Star
This song reminds me of just liking a girl, something that gets lost when you grow up and look at too much internet pr0n. It's sweet and innocent and soothing for my soul.

That was six songs, wasn't it? Oops.

5. Who are you going to pass this stick to? (3 persons) and why?

I'm passing it on to all of you who read this. Feel free to respond in the comments or in your own little corner of the web.

One Small Step For Man...

Ok so I built a spaceship just to have a way to go explore. The funniest part is that I was looking for some good Bud Cort pics (which of course makes me think of Brewster McCloud), when I found the stuff to explore, and I also set up the spaceship to play Buddha (7 songs, 17m 23s) and Tonto (6 songs, 20m 34s) sets, and I think that deserves a pat on the back, SO I SAY TO YOU SCOTT, KUDOS!!!

This posting, because of many difficulties, has meaninglessly destroyed well over 4 hours of my relatively meaningless existence which I guess in the end is well... meaningless.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

He was a bitch when it came to that alcohol, man.

Billy the Killer-

Billy the Killer blurs the coherent/incoherent line in storytelling. An evolving thought song that starts deep inside and gradually finds new language. The Buddha All-Stars are thought divers swimming the fringes of mass conciousness.

if you was weed
I was an angel

Not all songs are about love, bunny rabbits or teen angst. This one does have a turkey, though. It's #8 on the Buddha Listening List.

Lollipops and The Lone Ranger

To all you Tontophiles and Buddhaphiles out there, let us know if there are any songs that you want to hear, leave your thoughts in the comments section or email them to us at

We could all paint our twangers, couldn't we?

This is well worth the load time. The innuendo is subtle, though, so listen carefully.


Where do you get your digital recordings of insect sounds? I get mine here.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Not Much

I thought that I didn't have anything to say, but then I saw this.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hark to the Buddha... Baby!

Hark! Hark! The Newsboy's Dead- A lazy man's song for the animal rights activist in you? Or an honest man's anguished soul searching in a crushing world of information overload and moral ambiguity?

I'm just a man of virtue
I'm just a victim of circumstance
Not circumcision
got them in this condition
The cattle all have guilty consciences
trapped themselves in a razor wire fence

This song starts on quiet drums and a guitar line that quickly changes up to put some of the wet and sideways into the groove. Everything else comes right along with it. The Buddha All-Stars fill up your ears and settle in at the top of your spine for the rest of this track; a straight ahead rock groove, not afraid to get down and invite you to play in the dirt.

Hand-picked to lead off the Buddha Listening List.

Memories of a thief

So i read the previous post and remembered that Beck was releasing a new album, "Guero." Unfortunately for Beck a good friend of mine has taught me a thing or two about cheating the system. Babyfood in Hot Diapers started to make me think about art and his two friends alexander and aran. But that's all the thinking i can do now.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Gratuitous Monkeys

Apparently, Electric 6 just released a new album. Senor Smoke. Haven't heard it yet, but I'm (apprehensively) looking forward to it. Half the band did leave after the first album, Fire, which was damn good. Here's hoping the new one doesn't suck. Oh, and Monkey Medley, anyone? Not as good as the Lindsey Lohan one. Or the other one, for that matter.

Beck's coming out with a new one, too. Any guesses as to what style he's going to do this album in?

I'm off to bed at a reasonable hour. What? Insanity!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Mod! Pop! Punk!

Free music to listen to. Try some Jilted John or Dolly Mixture. What a freaking ton of bands I've never heard of (nor, likely, do I actually care about). They've got a ton of album covers, too.

Capitol Cities

I forgot to mention Capitol Cities. I saw them at a bar. They're like Eros for your Anus.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Yo Baby!

Want to find out whether you're running with the herd or against when you slap a moniker on your progeny? Try this.

Capability Brown

I love the instant information you can get from the web. I'm listening to 3wk radio and hear an interesting song. Didn't find out much about Capability Brown. I wonder if they named themselves after "England's greatest gardener"?

It all goes back to Gummo

I just listened to disc 2 of the Clash's On Broadway. There's just a lot of good freaking songs on this disc. "Daddy was a bankrobber,
but he never hurt nobody. He just loved to live that way. And, he loved
to steal your money." Good music that makes me want to hear more good


"The Modern Lovers are all excellent musicians, as highlighted by Gerry Harrison’s organ, which fleshes out many of the songs."

The Modern Lovers self-titled is a good album. Pablo Picasso is such a cool song. Unfortunately, Jonathan Richman is kind of a weird guy.
After about three or four songs, I start feeling like some creepy dude
is telling me how much he loves this girl he's stalking. I think he
might be the godfather of emo.

Isn't there something just sick about emo? Look at the word emo. It's just not right. What I think of when I see the word emo is Bunny Boy from Gummo.

Apparently, I'm right.

Funky Science

The world is neat. Science can look into the past and the future. Wouldn't it be cool if it were real, at least, about the futurebox; I prefer a more funky religion.

My Crazy Head I

I figured I'd get a headstart and just
titled this with an I. I mean, I have a crazy head, this title is going
to want to be used more than once.

all the hoopla with learning how to use this site as inspired me to
seek out other of the mysterious powers available to mere mortals in
this strange world callled the internet. Behold Flikr! The album cover pics have already been unveiled on Phantasmagoric, you know it you love it.
they are getting too much traffic for the bandwidth, so I thought i'd
give the album covers another pad to groove up the ladies. Photos! Of Things! Plus, theres a couple other things you may not have seen.

I'm selling T-shirts that say, "Oh yeah, I sex up the ladies." But I really want a t-shirt that says Niandra LaDes.

learned a new, better meaing for LOL today. I think the new meaning is
more epic, more grand in scope and worhy of founding- at least- a small
religion on.

Iron and WIne

John Frusciante tried to invade my head.
He does that. I was sitting down to do some logical, task-oriented
thinking, though, and I had good Mr. F staging the Normandy assault
through my headphones. To his credit, he did try to take this one back.

So I'm listening to Iron and Wine
instead. Accoustic guitar and banjo. I'm reminded of quiet Simon and
Garfunkel. The music carries me along while I enjoy the quiet, gorgeous
The bands just one guy, Sam Beam.
The music reminds me of the south the way the writers remind me of the
south- not like country music reminds me of the south. That's a whole
different thing.

It also makes me think of this. Ta.