In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on GarageBand.com, we have made our way through the review cycle of "Back From Nebraska" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "Squirrel Cat".
Back From Nebraska(3:37)

Score 1.5 out of 5.0
#442 of 453 in Current Indie Rock
#1245 of 1467 in All-Time Indie Rock
HistoryScott-Vocals and Background Vocals.
Mick-Guitar and Background Vocals.
Adam-Background Vocals.
This song appears on the hit Tonto Savalas album,
Ruben, Where Are You?.
LyricsSomething about Nebraska.
ReviewsGo Back to NebraskaTune your guitar, first off. You are obviously trying to play something that sounds awful on purpose. Why subject people trying to post their band's work to this noise? Try incorporating some of the elements of music like melody and harmony and pretend to try.
- SunnKing from Unspecified on 12Jun2005
No thanksThis is a song I would never listen to it was so hard to listen to cause it is one of the worst songs i have ever heard.
- natedawgs13 from Conyers, Georgia on 11Jun2005
experimentalThis is a very interesting tune. It is hard for me to get into because of the out of tune vocals and general wierdness but it is interesting. It defenitely sets a scene. I bet most probably don't get it. do what you feel.
- mingarp from New Orleans, Louisiana on 10Jun2005
floyd?production is very poor..LIke the idea of the mellowness. Think the vox and the efx on them need a lot of work.Guitar paying is competent but could do with more practice and better mic placement...The weird sound efx BIRDS? are a tad distressing . All in all keep on playing and one day there will be something publicly pleaseable
- spacecadet1975 from Lowestoft, United Kingdom on 10Jun2005
propsWow this song is very original. Diggin it, total indi flavour to it. Songs like this i really respect. Not caring about what others think just doing your own thang, kudos to you for that my friend. I like all those noises going on in the background.
Not sure how long i can listen to this, but i respect it all the way.
- nilsprotractor from Canada on 8Jun2005
really out of tunethe guitar is really out of tune. The lyrics don't really flow and they don't have a melody. If that's all intentional good job. I don't personally find this very entertaining. The song just repeats.
- onepointstar from Eugene, Oregon on 7Jun2005
hmmm....this song was made me feel like i was having a peanut butter enema. very uncomfortable the whole time. please dont make this music anymore.
- sabonisthresh from Mesa, Arizona on 7Jun2005
dark songit starts out sort of cool, although the vocals dont sound great. i like the effects on it but they just sound a bit too melodramatic and a bit off key. i like how the music and vocals build up throughout the song but i think at some poitn it really needs to explode into some sort of loud chorus for the song to have any real power. also i think the vocals are weak in general, they sort of drone throughout the song and the off key notes get a bit annoying. its a good start but there are a lot of things i would chagne about this song.
- Jason_Winter from Unspecified on 7Jun2005
hmm... interestingnot sure this song was entirly suited to this genre. maybe experimental rock? Lyrically I thought it was spooky. reminded me alittle of ween in parts and those vocals in the background started to freak me out alittle. Very moody track, alot of energy but perhaps alittle bit out of place in indie rock. Kept my interest right the way through though.
Overall a really creepy song. :)
- The_Minors from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia on 6Jun2005
hrmmI hate the acoustic tone... its not very tasty at all...the everything actually sounds quite out of tune, and mishapen. As if you were writing the song while recording it. I really can't stand it. Don't think you were trying very hard to create this...
- Shadow16nh from Cheney, Washington on 6Jun2005
Latte please... with a tab of acidFreaky man. I can't say that I'd have an attention span worthy of your album, but I'm sure you've got a diverse collection of songs to throw out there. The vocal gets its job done. The guitar gets its job done. Everything gets its job done. If I were to be in a culinary academy, I would be the guy trying to talk you out of using PCP as an ingredient in a meat pie, while thinking to myself "Man, I hope he does it. That'd be cool, I just don't want to take responsibility for it."
- cheddarfreak from San Francisco, California on 4Jun2005 .
:Did you ever hear Juvenilia, Liz Phair's collection of early recordings? It was released by her label as a stopgap between Exile in Guyville and Whip-Smart. The intent, presumeably, was to give the fans a raw, unadulterated glimpse into Phair's pre-popstar life- sort of like 4-Track Demos did for P.J. Harvey.
Unfortunately, Juvenilia sucked. If Guyville hadn't been such an over-the-top left-field success, these songs never would've seen the light of day- and with good reason. Each track is as saturated with take-it-or-leave-it-cause-i-don solopsism as Guyville is accessible.
Anyway, I borrowed my sister's car the other day, and Juvenilia was in the tape deck. Your song reminds me of "South Dakota", the third track. In fact, it's uncannily similar. Both songs are almost obsenely uncatchy. They both have the sort of meandering, atonal vocal melodies that make them almost memorably forgettable. Both songs have a tacit "crow" theme, although yours, to its advantage, actually has someone cawing in the backround. Both songs repeat a single, vaguely interesting line- your "back from Nebraska", her "born in South Dakota"- enough times to obliterate whatever metaphor might've been intended.
Nice vocal fx, though.
- sajak from Atlanta, Georgia on 4Jun2005
out of tunemodest mouse on more crack and with a really bad guitar
the crow/ dogs dont work for this song its kinda dumb.
- joeywilson from Unspecified on 3Jun2005
if you go down to the woods today...this is a wonderfully depressive sound, that sturs conatations of willy mason's song writing without faith. it is the kind of thing everyone would listen to if there were no prozac. the music altough arguably simple needs nothing extra as it is simply eerie. supurb concept of with the cresendo of twisted and disturbing sounds, including the eeire guitar and the backing 'vocals' perhaps there could be more veriation in the lyrics, although the repation does add to the neurotic sound. simply eerie.
- everyoneelse from London, England, United Kingdom on 3Jun2005
CoolI like th lo-fi, shitty quality you guys got going on here. But the guitar sounds a little too shitty. A little less reverb. I'm all set.
- the_living_sea from Beverly, Massachusetts on 2Jun2005
too loosethe song does not have much structure, the vocal effect is not working well, i can't hear a word of the lyrics, I think you should start over on this one make it more structured and spend some time on pruduction
- tmk19782000 from Pensacola, Florida on 2Jun2005
reviewsorry, this diddnt appeal to me at all. everyone sounds very depressed, and im sure this is what you were trying to go for. everyone sounds out of tune, the guitar gets repetative, and it just doesnt change. Im sure there are people who like this kind of song, but I am not one of them.
- E_Phoenix from Guernsey Ci, Uk, United Kingdom on 1Jun2005
Nebraskathis song is proof that just about anyone can record a song nowadays. i am trying to imagine you booking some studio time to record this but its hard to do. with this vibe it reminds me of early beck, "one foot in the grave". this background noises are cool, something creepy must of happened in Nebraska, i like your approach and if i was on acid i def. wouldnt want to listen to this...or maybe i would?
- sethron from San Buenaventura, California on 31May2005
AwfulStraight away I have one tip for you..... tune your guitar. Thats all you can hear....that one dodgy string! The effect on the voice is well to prominent. This song is far to repetitive and you cant make out the vocals let alone the actual lyrics. Its a terrible mix and the production sucks. Back to the drawing board Im afraid
- luigi69 from Staines, United Kingdom on 30May2005
No no noIt's a sombre start but the vocal isn't really strong enough to hold atmosphere - in fact it's a bit tuneless and gets irritating after a while, like a constant whine. I don't like this song, I can see what it was trying to aim at and it missed the mark by a long way.
- adzach2 from Unspecified on 29May2005
Why?The production quality on this track was that of a tape recorder, and no amount of flanger and effects can help that voice, it was out of tune and squeaky. And maybe next time before you record you could splurge some on a tuner.
- ludofortuna from San Antonio, Texas on 29May2005
Dissonant and disturbingSorry if this is too blunt, but your song is really hard to listen to. Guitar playing is very dissonant, and not very skillfully played. To have it repeating the same progression through almost the entire song is unnerving. The singing voice doesn't quite hold a tune, the highly effected crows are very disturbing/annoying...I can't help but wonder if this is really a serious attempt at a song, or just fishing for negative reviews for ammusement. Sorry if I'm off the mark, but it doesn't seem like very much effort was put into the track...
If disturbing and unnerving was your goal, then you succeeded.
- 3leggedbrain from Unspecified on 27May2005
This review will hurt my rating.Your guitar is out of tune, and so is your singing. But I like the mponkey noises in the background.
- Ripchord from Las Vegas, Nevada on 27May2005
i feel haunted nowfirstly, i don't know if this is purposeful or not, but the guitar seriously needs tuning. at times, i'm sadly tempted to say the same of the vocals. a somewhat haunting melody gives a solid concept to this song, but the execution is very weak. i enjoy the background noises, they add to the ambience and elevate mood, but i feel like i can't really get over the naked guitar, sitting in a lonely spotlight. i have a hard time understanding the singer, possibly due to the odd filter / effect on his voice. around 2:10, a daring attempt at a key change takes place, but i'm afraid it's a bit beyond my ken. all in all, this is either too indie or too poorly done for me to really dig it. find a suitable chord progression and vocal melody, keep your mood and the tension.
- efeuer from Colts Neck, New Jersey on 26May2005
...vocals sound dizzy, almost like a joke, it's not a bad song, but it does scare me
- Sick_Bob from Buckhannon, West Virginia on 25May2005
ummm????i really dont think that the off key guitar is any good, the vocals are way off also, i would work on that if i were you.
- StopOnGreen from Unspecified on 24May2005
do yr thangThe vocals are a bit crazy, however, I think that might be what you are looking for. Not sure if I like the effect you have going on the vocals. It's definetly and interesting tuning that you have going on with this song. Not sure if the tuning or the way your fingering some of the notes acually work. I dig what you are trying to do, however, I'm not sure I like it. At 2:28 the cat noises come in too loud and kind of get a bit annoying. It's cool that you are doing your thing so cudos to you for that, keep it up we need people like you out there "keeping it real". Was the guitar straight into the board? It kind of sounds like that, maybe try a track that's mike trough an amp and play it quietly on a left to right speaker in the final mix.
- telvist from Unspecified on 24May2005
Bad, As In Not GoodTune the guitar, please. This song is absolutely horrible. The melody is horrible. I don't have anything good to say about this. Guitar tuners are relatively cheap. I can't get past the out of tune guitars, the bad uncreative melody notwithstanding. My night has suddenly taken a turn for the worse. Damn it.
- BumpkinStrikes from Irving, Texas on 23May2005
StrangeGuitar sounds a bit out of tune and the vocals are a bit weedy-hidden behind lots of effects. The performance is Alright, but kinda self indulgent-Very strange and repetitive.Can't hardly understand any words and the cat fight in the background is odd at best- very strange.
- tonerodent from Webster Groves, Missouri on 23May2005
Uhhh....Are the guitars supposed to be out of tune? How about the vocals? I dont quite understand the direction with this song, other than it is most definately unique. However, uniqueness doesn't really qualify if it's credible or worth listening to. This song reaches a level of lo-fi and off-the-wall ability higher than most. I feel like I'm listening to a horrible Edgar Allen Poe recording. If music be the tool to effect your mood, this wouldn't be the best to listen to. I think it might send one to the insane asylum. The recording quality, the lyrics, and every other element of it is frightening. I think one should look beyond merely trying to be unique, and also look forth on honing their technical ability as a musician before anything else at this point.
- Shawnethegirl from Chicago, Illinois on 22May2005
GuitarWell the guitar sounds out of tune and the vocals can get out of tune as well. I can tell that you can sing better, but you just need to pratice more. I like the backround noises-
- juineaux from Tiffin, Ohio on 22May2005
come ontrying to be interestin but not.
- theunknowns from Los Angeles, California on 20May2005
what were you thinking?ok... no offense, but i don't know what you had in mind when you started this. the chords are very repetative and not interesting enough to repeat that often.... vocals... you need alot of work, or you shouldn't sing.... and i have no idea what the background noise is..... ok, this sucks
- jaredjstulen from Minneapolis, Minnesota on 19May2005
Tune up!The guitars are seriously out of tune, the vocals seem to follow suit. The guitar part and vocals dont go anywhere at all. I dont know what to say man. Its pretty rough.
- jordanalexander from Charleston, South Carolina on 18May2005
That wacky NebraskaThe dissonant chord progression is cool, definitely different. The vocals have a very raw quality. While they're following the dissonance path, they seem to be doing so in their own randomly chosen keys. Not sure if that's what you were going for, but it kinda works. Nice "caws", not sure what they're representative of, but I'm all for random quirky sounds in recordings. While I don't ever see this attaining any sort of great commercial success, I can definitely see a small market for it. Mainly for the freaks that're looking for something completely different to listen to. Good Luck!
- ARMSOFTHESUN from Phoenix/Tempe, Arizona on 18May2005
When words aren't enoughA harmonic start to the song with some faint touch of spanish guitarplaying... enchating! The mood is unfortunately somewhat destroyed once the vocals join in. No matter how much chorus, echo or other effects are used, it's simply impossible to hide it if no correct notes are hit during a song. Sorry, but it's just... like a very drunken karaoke singer with absolutely no ear for melody or notes. Sorry... averu potential song, but the vocals just kill it off right from the start.
- Samu2 from Helsinki, Finland on 18May2005
Ouch.The intro strikes me as out of tune. The vocals kick in and confirm my intitial reaction. Two wrong keys definatly don't make a right here. The lyrics are incoherant. And it just goes on like that. Experimental and disturbing, so, I'll give you some credit for that. Overall, this just strikes me as torture to listen to. Sorry.
- Allen_White from Austin, Texas on 17May2005
totally unexpected!!this is why i love the indie rock genre. you are going along, listening to very traditional sounds, and then...BAM!!! something hits you like a train...this inticing song for instance!!
wonderful originality. i know the sound you are going for so i won't criticize a thing. i'm sure you might be getting some reviews that don't sit too well because this song takes so much risk. the looseness (is that a word? shit, whatever) of the whole track is incredible. it lets me slip in and out of all that's going on, getting a full veiw of each element. keep it up, PLEASE!!! music needs you!
- daleylauren from Dade City, Florida on 17May2005
Out of tuneOut of tune. I can't get past it. Flanger or chorus on the vocals isn't working. Buddy, you might need to get a new guitar. Then take some lessons, and start over. This music is pretty scary. Those farm animals in the background are freakin me out. Well, it made for an interesting 3 minutes. Take care
- District from Orlando, Florida on 17May2005
tuning, intonation.this is the hit of my summer! love the background noise. like a dead corpse of your family in the corn fields of Nebraska...where I'm from.
- Austin_Vice from Oakland, California on 17May2005
intentionaly bad?Production needs work. I guess the vocals are supposed to be out of tune like that. It seems like the singser is doing it on purpose. I suppose it adds to the mood of the song. The idea of guitar and vocals and background noises is good, but this needs more work. I think it sounds too rough though. I don't know what to say. It sounds as if you want it to be weird and discomforting. Well, you achieved your goal. It sounds wierd. It is not something I could listen to. Apparently I don't like indie music. Um, If I did this song, I would want the vocals cleaned up alot.
The guitar sounds good. That can stay. The childlike sounds in the background are disturbing. They need to be cleaned as well though. They get distorted and stuff. Well, I think I am over my head on this review. I am not too familiar with this style of music. In the indie genre, this may be a great song. But, by my standards, it is a very poor song. It doesn't really capture the listener. There is no real thing to bring me back for more.
- always_a_rhythm from Mullica Hill, New Jersey on 17May2005
SpookyThe dissonance gives this song a hauntingly spooky feel. The background sounds (is it kids in a playground?) are downright scary. Unfortunately I miss the lyrics with the vocals being so buried in effects. If there's a cool story in there this could be an interesting song, otherwise it's just noise.
- rjl from Somerville, Massachusetts on 17May2005
Screaming children save something, but not mu..Ok, ok. Let's say this is very wicked, the vocals are indeed out of tune. Reminds me of that gang leader in Policy Academy, that crappy comedy from the 80's - the voice is as enjoyable, minus the humor. Guitars, hmm, minimalism might be nice, but this simply is just annoying. My apologies, but your art doesn't really get me. The samples of screaming children is probably the best that this song has to offer.
- mnsk13 from Helsinki, Finland on 17May2005
Intergalactic Faux-PasThe good news is, nestled in a heaping pile of cheesy -sounding effects I can see a talented songwriter just begging to come out. The opening guitar lines were dangerously dischordant, in a way that is more alienating than interesting. The notes just don't mesh well, but with a little tweaking it could be good dischord. The vocals are too effects laden on top of the cleaner sounding guitars. At first, I thought that it was a live recording because of the noise in the background, but then I realized it was another ill placed effect. I give you credit for a stab at an original arrangement but this song would sound a lot more convincing if it was cleaned up.
- finestdearest from San Francisco, California on 16May2005
I vomitted all over my computer, you owe me ..Yeah, that guitar is clearly WAY out of tune. The vocals are out of tune as well, but relative pitch is non existant hear since nothing seems to be on key. PRoduction is absolutely atrocious, I can't imagine how you got this to sound so dissonant and boomy. Is this a live recording? Those bird voices in the background are truly haunting, that might be the only positive here. Other than that, lyrics are whiney, progression is simple and laggy, and the whole thing drags on and on and on, disonnantly. Reviewing this song is a waste of my time and anyone else who has to fabricate good things to say about it. This is a joke, stupidest song i've ever heard, F-
- RadiocureA from Somerville, Massachusetts on 16May2005
IN your faceguys...this is the weirdiest song I've heard in a while now...it rocks.
please give me your address, I'll send you a guitar tuner...no, just kidding. I like those weird out of tune guitars and feel. all original chords. nice effects on the vocals (is that what this is?) and the lyrics are way different. you guys are onto something. when is your next show?
this should be the anthem of all the states in the world
- MothersAnger from San Francisco, California on 16May2005
different...the strange yelping samples in the middle of the song may be the only redeeming component of this composition. perhaps this is not exactly indie rock. this sounds more like avant-garde folk. having said that, the guitars are appropriately out of tune and edgy, and the vocals are recorded in a meloncholy, low-fi way that is fitting with the guitars. pristine production was obviously not a goal you were striving for. this music is painfully honest.
- arbor from Jackson Heights, New York on 16May2005
tuningI think your tuning is off. You may be trying for that, but until you get that baby tuned up with a tuner, you have no chance at hitting the key. Now, if you want the dissonant nightmarish feel, then you did quite well.
- Distraction from San Diego, California on 16May2005
- Sola from Stratford, New Jersey on 16May2005
Dr. StrangeI thought this was very strange as I am sure was the intent. The guitarist's use of the same notes over and over bring an air of instability and uneasiness. Children's voices sampled over the song add to it. I couldn't tell a whole lot about this song except the mood is very eerie. Vocals are equally full of effects which round the general intent.
- kickipena from Knoxville, Tennessee on 16May2005
InterestingThis song is quite powerful in the message it is sending out. I feel a better vocal performance and a better guitar sound (ie, in tune) would make the song more enjoyable to listen to.
Unfortunately, I don't believe that this song will make too much radio play in its current state.
I do like the sound effects, cant quite tell what they are, but they remind me of the effects on Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles. The songs ending is quite abrupt, I wasnt quite expecting it to be this way! The line "Back from Nebraska" is actually quite memorable, I would definitely keep this like and develop it further as a hook.
- matthewrodgers from Belfast, Down, Northern Ireland on 16May2005
You're classGreat out of tune guitar and out of tune vocals warbling mindlessly. I'm going to give you a 5 for being class, you're class.
- jonny_panda from Belfast, Ni, United Kingdom on 16May2005
Extra Credit AwardsOriginality-8
Stupidest Song Ever-4
Male Vocals-3
Back From Nebraska was awarded Stupidest Song in Indie Rock for the week of 5-30-05.