I Need You
Hi there,
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on GarageBand.com, we have made our way through the review cycle of "I Need You" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "Squirrel Cat".
I Need You(2:49)

Score 1.8 out of 5.0
#624 of 670 in Current Alternative Rock
#15057 of 15493 in All-Time Alternative Rock
Mick does everything.
This song appears on the hit Buddha All-Stars album, Wall of Sound. There is also a live version that appears on the hit Tonto Savalas album, Some More Heavy Metal.
Something about taking a pee.
This is bloodsport
Here I am, standing on the street, watching a trainwreck before my eyes. Destruction everywhere. Blood, guts, brains and bone. I would feel bad about flaming this song, except I really can't believe even this band could think they've done something good. Something listenable. With bands like the White Stripes defining a new sound - 'garage', perhaps there are a few folks out there that need to define the bottom delineation of the genre. The detective in me has decerned the following: Recorded on a boombox with the built-in mic. Guitar plugged into a fuzz box, then into the home stereo. Everyone got high and drunk. A song spontaneously broke out. Screaming ensued. I'll probably hear this on the radio next month.
- frozensmile from San Mateo, California on 14Jun2005
This is great. Its very good rhythm. The story and the lyrics really say a lot. The guitar is very expressive. The bass is subtle and compliments the story and the feeling very well. The recording is adiquate. You could use a boost of about 3 or 4 db at the 30hrz. overall to brighten the whole song. very nice guys.
- justindr660 from Tuebingen, California, Germany on 14Jun2005
wasting you time
practise a bit more
stay off the booze
right better songs
find better musician
or just give up playing all together
can't think of anything else at the moment to improve you band
- grant77 from Wales on 14Jun2005
Not much hear
Very amaturish. Bad sound, bad vocals, simple guitar, not much here to like. Hope you had fun making it.
- leokennedy from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 14Jun2005
This must be the worst I´ve ever heard
Sorry sorry sorry! This is not to offend you or anything. First of all exactly what drug had you taken when you recorded this? I don´t know what to say about the "production" else then this is not a production at all. It sounds like You´ve mixed everything in my old samic 12W Guitar amp. And the vocals are the fucking worst i have ever heard! He cant´t even keep one tone! The drums are totally out of rythm all the time. If there is a band that stand for tightness, you are the band that stands for untightness. The song chords have been used 100 million times and are popular among rookie guitar players. Well thats about it right? Finally if this was just a joke, then it´s a totally faboulous joke cuz i laughed the entire song trough. :-)
- volodjamakarov from Unspecified on 12Jun2005
bad mix good song
Get out there and get a professional mix. This is for the rough cut garage band but you're ready for a professional mix. Sounds like you're squealing the vocals and cracking for a cool sloppy effect but it's not cool, pull back on that a little. Love the style though, just a little, little cleaner but keep the sloppy style.
- rivianprods from Hollywood, California on 11Jun2005
Badly recorded 50s slow dance song.
Poorly recorded. Horrible lyrics. Drums are too much louder than guitar. Some of the worste singing I have heard on this site.
- Fetuchinial from Foley, Minnesota on 11Jun2005
Vocals really aren't very punchy. There's nothing about this song that sounds professional or tight. Really now, come on. Do you really need a review for this. You should know this is crap.
- NewSamsin from Calgary, Alberta, Canada on 11Jun2005
i'm glad you can play all the instruments yourself. now learn to write better lyrics and sing.
- dougclutter from Nashville, Tennessee on 10Jun2005
This goes beyonds words, so I will try to exp..
The playing was not very tight. The recording is poor. The vocals go out of key. The lyrics are stupid. It has a feel as a sappy 50�s tune, done very poorly. The hook is sung so out of key that I start to lose consciousness. The vocals could use some ambience. The singer could use better microphone control. This is torture. COMPLETE TORTURE. Playing this for a 24 hour period to any one would get them to confess to any crime. I try to see the best in everything. But you have assaulted me sonically and I kind not be kind in return for your horrible job. I will not nominate this for the stupidest song ever, as you are probably hoping because I would develop bad Karma for putting other people through this torture. Good points, you all appear to be able to play and sing in a mediocre fashion. You have a lot of guts.
- 12GaugeFuse from Portland, Oregon on 10Jun2005
I'm afraid it was very hard to hear this song for several reasons: one is that it needs to be mastered louder, the other is that the vocals were almost indescernible in the mix. Vocalist needs to seriously work on intonation and clearly communicating his lyrics. The vocals distort on several occassions.
- TheEndless from Los Angeles, California on 10Jun2005
Neat song! Like a classic 60's love song, but played in a clunky, clangy way. I like the singer's voice. This song might be neat in a movie soundtrack. It's funny, the vocal/instrumental harmony reminds me at times of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (Bowie). Good song, keep it up.
- J_D_Abram from Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada on 10Jun2005
Bandwidth is HI here?
Horrible sound. I thought my bandwidth was low... Vocals are out of tune, what's wrong with the sound? This is not alternative rock.
- MPDMUSIC from Miami, Florida on 9Jun2005
say. Experience taught me a lot of things. As it does for most people. Also, most people look back on their lives and usually with some disdain, can find atleast one or two things which they grow to regret purely and simply, because it's the 'right' thing to do. You guys should look at the 2:49 second catastrophe I just heard, and start the 'regretting process' tomarrow. I get leery when I hear things this ill-concieved because there's always a chance, this is a hoax. You are a singular example of why GB should screen uploads.
- dosolso from Jamestown, New York on 9Jun2005
This is a demo made by yourself. But thats ok. I don't judge production. It is very hard to hear the instruments, however i can feel the music. The music reminds me of an old 60's song. I like the singers honesty and blunt lyrics. With a little better production this song would be cool.
The screams of the singer are intersting too. I like the laughing at the end of the track. Not taking yourselves too serously is cool.
- zelazowa from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 9Jun2005
not so clear
I think at some point this song could work but it has a really long way to go. It is really unclear, the singer misses a lot of notes, and the drums sound like crap.
- mderksen from Ann Arbor, Michigan on 8Jun2005
This song is gonna take you to the top
What the friar is going on here? This is incredible - I'm surprised you guys haven't been snapped up by Song or Geffen yet. Nice lyric 'without me you'll drown in your pee' - incredible use of rhyme there. The guitar playing and singing is exquisite. By the sounds of it you ate a few too many magic mushrooms and then simply pressed play on your tape player. You guys certainly made me smile - although you may have anger management issues. Nice one.
- ElectraMatt from London, United Kingdom on 8Jun2005
I have to write a lot of stuff about this song to get a good reviewer rating, and it is unfair. This is the worst song I have ever heard. I hate everything going on and even having to type this much on this piece of horrible crap angers me. There is nothing in tune. There is nothing that is played in time. The vocal line is ripped off from everyone. The drums must have been recorded with a Fisher Price Microphone. the guitars suck, horribly horribly suck. there is a black hole in this website being taken up by this affront to humanity. If you think I am being cruel or intentionally vicious please listen to this waste of 3 minutes of my life and see if you agree with me. To whoever made this, YOU SUCK!!!!
- Channelonepage from Sherman Oaks, California on 8Jun2005
Thinking 50s
Instantly I was reminded of 50s type music. Maybe it's just garageband's built in sound player, but the sound quality isn't that great. For a demo, this isn't too bad. The music sounds pretty well put together. The only part that annoyed me was when the singer was screaming/trying to reach high notes. Otherwise, sounds like you've got something decent to work with.
- Dumbayash from Riverside, Ohio on 7Jun2005
Best song I've heard all day.
Thank you!
- kwilson from United Kingdom on 7Jun2005
Could be...
...re-recorded. After getting the bass player a tuner and the rest of the band some lessons. Sorry guys, my humble opinions is that this was a mistake that no one had the balls to tell you about.
- symbioticsimian from Miami, Florida on 4Jun2005
Extra Credit Awards
Stupidest Song Ever-5
Male Vocals-3
Most Bitter Break Up Song-2
I Need You was awarded Stupidest Song in Alternative Rock for the week of 6-13-05. It was also awarded Most Bitter Break Up Song in Alternative Rock and Overall for the week of 6-13-05.
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on GarageBand.com, we have made our way through the review cycle of "I Need You" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "Squirrel Cat".
I Need You(2:49)

Score 1.8 out of 5.0
#624 of 670 in Current Alternative Rock
#15057 of 15493 in All-Time Alternative Rock
Mick does everything.
This song appears on the hit Buddha All-Stars album, Wall of Sound. There is also a live version that appears on the hit Tonto Savalas album, Some More Heavy Metal.
Something about taking a pee.
This is bloodsport
Here I am, standing on the street, watching a trainwreck before my eyes. Destruction everywhere. Blood, guts, brains and bone. I would feel bad about flaming this song, except I really can't believe even this band could think they've done something good. Something listenable. With bands like the White Stripes defining a new sound - 'garage', perhaps there are a few folks out there that need to define the bottom delineation of the genre. The detective in me has decerned the following: Recorded on a boombox with the built-in mic. Guitar plugged into a fuzz box, then into the home stereo. Everyone got high and drunk. A song spontaneously broke out. Screaming ensued. I'll probably hear this on the radio next month.
- frozensmile from San Mateo, California on 14Jun2005
This is great. Its very good rhythm. The story and the lyrics really say a lot. The guitar is very expressive. The bass is subtle and compliments the story and the feeling very well. The recording is adiquate. You could use a boost of about 3 or 4 db at the 30hrz. overall to brighten the whole song. very nice guys.
- justindr660 from Tuebingen, California, Germany on 14Jun2005
wasting you time
practise a bit more
stay off the booze
right better songs
find better musician
or just give up playing all together
can't think of anything else at the moment to improve you band
- grant77 from Wales on 14Jun2005
Not much hear
Very amaturish. Bad sound, bad vocals, simple guitar, not much here to like. Hope you had fun making it.
- leokennedy from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on 14Jun2005
This must be the worst I´ve ever heard
Sorry sorry sorry! This is not to offend you or anything. First of all exactly what drug had you taken when you recorded this? I don´t know what to say about the "production" else then this is not a production at all. It sounds like You´ve mixed everything in my old samic 12W Guitar amp. And the vocals are the fucking worst i have ever heard! He cant´t even keep one tone! The drums are totally out of rythm all the time. If there is a band that stand for tightness, you are the band that stands for untightness. The song chords have been used 100 million times and are popular among rookie guitar players. Well thats about it right? Finally if this was just a joke, then it´s a totally faboulous joke cuz i laughed the entire song trough. :-)
- volodjamakarov from Unspecified on 12Jun2005
bad mix good song
Get out there and get a professional mix. This is for the rough cut garage band but you're ready for a professional mix. Sounds like you're squealing the vocals and cracking for a cool sloppy effect but it's not cool, pull back on that a little. Love the style though, just a little, little cleaner but keep the sloppy style.
- rivianprods from Hollywood, California on 11Jun2005
Badly recorded 50s slow dance song.
Poorly recorded. Horrible lyrics. Drums are too much louder than guitar. Some of the worste singing I have heard on this site.
- Fetuchinial from Foley, Minnesota on 11Jun2005
Vocals really aren't very punchy. There's nothing about this song that sounds professional or tight. Really now, come on. Do you really need a review for this. You should know this is crap.
- NewSamsin from Calgary, Alberta, Canada on 11Jun2005
i'm glad you can play all the instruments yourself. now learn to write better lyrics and sing.
- dougclutter from Nashville, Tennessee on 10Jun2005
This goes beyonds words, so I will try to exp..
The playing was not very tight. The recording is poor. The vocals go out of key. The lyrics are stupid. It has a feel as a sappy 50�s tune, done very poorly. The hook is sung so out of key that I start to lose consciousness. The vocals could use some ambience. The singer could use better microphone control. This is torture. COMPLETE TORTURE. Playing this for a 24 hour period to any one would get them to confess to any crime. I try to see the best in everything. But you have assaulted me sonically and I kind not be kind in return for your horrible job. I will not nominate this for the stupidest song ever, as you are probably hoping because I would develop bad Karma for putting other people through this torture. Good points, you all appear to be able to play and sing in a mediocre fashion. You have a lot of guts.
- 12GaugeFuse from Portland, Oregon on 10Jun2005
I'm afraid it was very hard to hear this song for several reasons: one is that it needs to be mastered louder, the other is that the vocals were almost indescernible in the mix. Vocalist needs to seriously work on intonation and clearly communicating his lyrics. The vocals distort on several occassions.
- TheEndless from Los Angeles, California on 10Jun2005
Neat song! Like a classic 60's love song, but played in a clunky, clangy way. I like the singer's voice. This song might be neat in a movie soundtrack. It's funny, the vocal/instrumental harmony reminds me at times of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (Bowie). Good song, keep it up.
- J_D_Abram from Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada on 10Jun2005
Bandwidth is HI here?
Horrible sound. I thought my bandwidth was low... Vocals are out of tune, what's wrong with the sound? This is not alternative rock.
- MPDMUSIC from Miami, Florida on 9Jun2005
say. Experience taught me a lot of things. As it does for most people. Also, most people look back on their lives and usually with some disdain, can find atleast one or two things which they grow to regret purely and simply, because it's the 'right' thing to do. You guys should look at the 2:49 second catastrophe I just heard, and start the 'regretting process' tomarrow. I get leery when I hear things this ill-concieved because there's always a chance, this is a hoax. You are a singular example of why GB should screen uploads.
- dosolso from Jamestown, New York on 9Jun2005
This is a demo made by yourself. But thats ok. I don't judge production. It is very hard to hear the instruments, however i can feel the music. The music reminds me of an old 60's song. I like the singers honesty and blunt lyrics. With a little better production this song would be cool.
The screams of the singer are intersting too. I like the laughing at the end of the track. Not taking yourselves too serously is cool.
- zelazowa from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 9Jun2005
not so clear
I think at some point this song could work but it has a really long way to go. It is really unclear, the singer misses a lot of notes, and the drums sound like crap.
- mderksen from Ann Arbor, Michigan on 8Jun2005
This song is gonna take you to the top
What the friar is going on here? This is incredible - I'm surprised you guys haven't been snapped up by Song or Geffen yet. Nice lyric 'without me you'll drown in your pee' - incredible use of rhyme there. The guitar playing and singing is exquisite. By the sounds of it you ate a few too many magic mushrooms and then simply pressed play on your tape player. You guys certainly made me smile - although you may have anger management issues. Nice one.
- ElectraMatt from London, United Kingdom on 8Jun2005
I have to write a lot of stuff about this song to get a good reviewer rating, and it is unfair. This is the worst song I have ever heard. I hate everything going on and even having to type this much on this piece of horrible crap angers me. There is nothing in tune. There is nothing that is played in time. The vocal line is ripped off from everyone. The drums must have been recorded with a Fisher Price Microphone. the guitars suck, horribly horribly suck. there is a black hole in this website being taken up by this affront to humanity. If you think I am being cruel or intentionally vicious please listen to this waste of 3 minutes of my life and see if you agree with me. To whoever made this, YOU SUCK!!!!
- Channelonepage from Sherman Oaks, California on 8Jun2005
Thinking 50s
Instantly I was reminded of 50s type music. Maybe it's just garageband's built in sound player, but the sound quality isn't that great. For a demo, this isn't too bad. The music sounds pretty well put together. The only part that annoyed me was when the singer was screaming/trying to reach high notes. Otherwise, sounds like you've got something decent to work with.
- Dumbayash from Riverside, Ohio on 7Jun2005
Best song I've heard all day.
Thank you!
- kwilson from United Kingdom on 7Jun2005
Could be...
...re-recorded. After getting the bass player a tuner and the rest of the band some lessons. Sorry guys, my humble opinions is that this was a mistake that no one had the balls to tell you about.
- symbioticsimian from Miami, Florida on 4Jun2005
Extra Credit Awards
Stupidest Song Ever-5
Male Vocals-3
Most Bitter Break Up Song-2
I Need You was awarded Stupidest Song in Alternative Rock for the week of 6-13-05. It was also awarded Most Bitter Break Up Song in Alternative Rock and Overall for the week of 6-13-05.
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