Nico's Dead, Nico's Dead
How ya doin?
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on, we have made our way through the review cycle of "Nico's Dead, Nico's Dead" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "Back From Nebraska or Thank You, White Boy or Josephine".
Nico's Dead, Nico's Dead(4:14)

Score 2.4 out of 5.0
#178 of 197 in Current Experimental Rock
#1212 of 1437 in All-Time Experimental Rock
Nico's Dead, Nico's Dead is a song written, played (guitar), and produced by Jeff Archer with a little help from Mick-Drums, Rob-Vocals, Scott-Bass. It appeared on the hit Tonto Savalas album, Manifesto, and was an instant classic. Contact Jeff Archer at for more info.
Contact Jeff Archer at for more info.
song review
take everything you own as a band and go to your local pawn shop and get as much of your money back as you can you guys suck and i have never said that to a band before
- MalakiShawn from Tampa, Florida on 19May2005
I'm scared!
Well, THIS is experimental. As with most experimental rock songs, there are things I like more than others. I like how the lyrics go with the overall feeling of the song. I think the beginning is pretty good, with the banshee guitar and the bass. The guitar in the back at the end of the song is for me the best part of this song, very rocking. The song would be much better with some production. The drummer is original. Now some things I dig less: the guitar solo is a little uncompensated for my taste. The song structure doesn't build up, there's not much progression.
- Adult_Life from Madrid, Spain on 19May2005
For the first minutes this sounds more like someone just playing around on a guitar than a song.. The vocals need to be much clearer, I really don't like this song much at all, The solo-ish thing that starts about 2:00 is probably the best thing this song has going for it.. Mostly its the vocals that turn me off of this song, Its not horrible but its not good either..
- thevillin1 from Warr Acres, Oklahoma on 18May2005
Pink Fairies Tribute
Nice fucking feedback there at the beginning--humable! Odd as hell, but I love the bass and drums behind it, like a really trippy march, and it builds. Now it's like some down and dirty Pink Fairies shit; it's great. Samples or vocalist? Good effect at any rate but I think you could do so much more. Like the progressions by the lead guitarist, not too standard but could use a little more psychotic tension. Great back beat, good rhythm riff, but again, the vocals are a little weak, you need to experiment a little more with that. Great fucking drums and feedback, I could listen to that shit all night!
- Middies from Chattanooga, Tennessee on 18May2005
Feedback ! yes! What a guitar! thats the way to treat that instrument! the drums are cool played. Sounds like its improvised. I like the toughness in the voice. This is very original, very fresh and openminded music.
- jomkka from Stockholm, Sweden on 18May2005
Bubbling Bass, Distorted Amp Face, Killer Ech..
Uh...this starts out a little monotonous...Feedback is pretty cool but this get's old after over a minute of nothing but feedback from the amp...Weird vocals. Reminds me of Charles Manson's song "Feelings Begin To Growing". This helps because I like Manson's stuff...Cool guitar licks in the middle of the track. Bass is thumping pretty smooth on my system...After all of the feedback, the song is better... If I were you, I'd try to at least get a little bit of change or dynamics going on with this. Experimental is ok but really experiment. Get creative. Playing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and ov er is not experimental, it's annoying. You have potential though... I'll be watching for newer material inthe future...
OK...2 outta 5
- damien_lucas from Valliant, Oklahoma on 17May2005
cool. want to hear the screaming guiatrs closer in front of the mix. like the echoey barely inteligible voice. Everything sounds very far away - like I am listening to it through a floor or a door. Wow, guitar lead is old school, some serious talent there. Sounds like you guys are having fun just wacking around.
- smallshot from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 17May2005
so I�m suppossed to go where?
Interesting intro, feels like being thrown into a battle-field sometime after a huge chaotic duel between good and evil. Ha, then you suddenly throw in a metal-riff...strange...but could work, with a little more time in the studio, some production adjustments and stuff. hmm, Ok..this was a strange experience, experimental?..yes, but I never really found what you guys were trying to say, somehow the message drowned in lack of coherence and an overall smack-in-the-face-musical expression.
- mkkkL from Odense, Fyn, Denmark on 17May2005
A nice intro. But the production is kind of so-so. I love the drum and the noisy guitar. The bass is kind of hard to hear, and there's some clipping. It's kind of mixed really badly. when the song really kicks in (at about 1 min) everything is blurred and nothing is really listenable. We hear the vocals and the guitar solo but that's it. The production is totally horrible. Need a lot more work, since it's really hard to hear the song as it is.
- desertedparking from Quebec, Canada on 16May2005
This has been a long time coming
I've got to appraise this song for what it is: a flat-out, raw, guitar-laiden jam tune that Mr. Hendrix himself might have been proud of. Unfortunately, the vocals weren't clear enough for me to get a picture of what was trying to be conveyed there. Nonetheless, thanks to the fun and viruosity that the guitar parts exuded, backed up by some nice drumming (was there a bass guitar anywhere here?) this is a tune that just keeps giving.
- mhe from Syracuse, New York on 16May2005
effortless stoner rock. interesting story...although some lyrics are hard to hear because of production. the lead guitar work is explosive and melodic. very interesting effect work with around the 3: 45 mark. this is a good jam altogether. since this is under experimental i would prefer to recommend this rather than critique. its very cool when you're in that pink floyd mode. like it!
- plasticpeople from Portland, Oregon on 15May2005
This seems like it was a very creative idea that got kind of got muddled in production. It had some great parts like the guitar and the sample or spoken word in the middle, but they were muddy and in the background compared to the random noises and beat. Also somewhat repetitive towards the end.
- LennonTheBand from Northville, Michigan on 15May2005
Hot guitar in the center of my brain
Hey some feedback, where's Jimi Hendrix? Nice control of the feedback, maybe it could have been a tad more interesting. Maybe its a tad too well controlled. I like the approach. It is quite unique. I really like the jazzy drumming. Hey, I'm digging the guitars too. There is nothing boring about this. The guitars are very overheated and in the center of my brain while the the vocals are very cool and floating in the upper left, which makes a unique contrast. I expect this performer would always manage to surprize me.
- MostlyBlues from Hamtramck, Michigan on 15May2005
lackluster at best
I thought the feedback and wammie bar intro went a little long, almost to the point of stopping the song. Once the song kicked in, I did enjoy the guitar riff and the tone. The drums are pretty solid throughout. The vocals are wayyyy too loud and just don't sound like any effort was put into them; no emotion or thought to the lyrics. I dig experimental stuff, but, overall, I feel like you didn't really put any effort into this song.
- Allen_White from Austin, Texas on 14May2005
Shower of Abandoned Drive-ins
Go see a movie all by yourself. At night. With grandma's afghan over your head. You peer out of the holes at the light projected onto the screen. Its a bit cold, getting even more so. No popcorn, nor soda. This song describes exactly the feeling building up inside your mind as the frames chatter by. A building anticipation for anything to happen. Nor are there witnesses. Your in on this one all by yourself. The melody prescribed in this song has many moods lying in layers beneath. The longer you listen, the more of them rise up and fill you with the dark image.
I was expecting a lyrical cataclysm to finally erupt the cascading wall of sound, but it never came. I finished this song with my nails dug into my chair side, released back into a somewhat normal world. The trip was quite introspective but somewhere I feel I should have been raped back there, but wasnt.
- cbiemeck from Racine, Wisconsin on 14May2005
Not really
Hey guys, intro is too long, and what follows is really too simplistic to my taste. Sounds like 70's, revisited but a basement practice with anything goes. Couldn't get into into this.
And I love the 70's, but somthing that sounds like work was put into it...not this! Yes for 70's but work at it!!
- axworth from Montreal, Quebec, Canada on 14May2005
Nice ideas, poor performance and sound
Nice ideas, interesting and dynamic. Performance is not that tight, drum fills are weak, bass really needs to do much more. Rhythm guitar is lacking power in both sound and playing, and after a couple of minutes the lead is just wandering around and loosing my interest. Needs a tighter performance, less muddy sound. It got my interest at the start and I was expecting it to really go places but it just stayed around the same theme.
- Simey from Belfast, United Kingdom on 14May2005
Another home recording from some guys trying to make it in the biz. Someone gave this guy a whammy bar for christmas and he sure loves to use it. Common, gimme something to listen to. Oh, now, a guy talks to me, through a dozen of reverbs and fx-pedals. Drummer seems very non-confident with his playing and the performance is sloppy and stiff. Guitarist knows how to play many notes at once. This could be a funny song if it was decent recorded and that's what i advice you guys to do: get yourself some proper gear!
- bluerat from Malmoe, Skane, Sweden on 14May2005
Your experimenting
Ok so you got some great pan work down with the left to center in the begining of this track..I would just recomend to make it a bit more subtle or hit me with a wave of violent noise when you pan back to center....When I say violent, what I mean is the hard tones you have on that lead and all that crunchy distortion on the guitar. That was nice...Wammy bar and all. Sounds like a drug induced jam session. At the 3:37 mark you have somthing special going on and its to bad you had to end the song with it, the distorted electric guitar struming that came in on the left side of my headphones sounded like eirly "Sonic Youth" work. You see this element was so good I think you should expand on that through the whole song...try switching up from that distortion to a weird clean or weird empty hallow sound with feed back or somthing and it would be even more progressive.
- slowminded from Park Row, Texas on 13May2005
I little too experimental. A bit annoying. Change the drum rhythm to something a little harder and bring the spoken word part in much earlier. Tone that whirring sound down just a notch and give the peice more of an overall format. This could become something, but I think it just sounds like some warm up at this point.
- DaddyOmega from Pawtucket, Rhode Island on 13May2005
intro is likey
i really liked the guitar intro on this. i think it should have gone somewhere other than that noise a lot sooner than it did or else this would have been much more enjoyable especially without the vocals
- rawkasaurusrex from Spokane, Washington on 7May2005
Noise Rock
The beginning reminds me of Noise Rockers like Sonic Youth but with shades of Hendrix's improvs from Woodstock in moments in the soloing. Interesting darkness in the vocal tone, sounds like he's speaking Geman. The drummer keeps the groove pretty well too. Nice uptempo solo work on the guitar. Brooding track here. I'd like to hear it produced slightly bettered, perhaps mastered, because there are several intersting elements hear that could shine better if polished.
- Alcibiades from New Haven, Connecticut on 7May2005
Dont Get It
The metal influence with distorted rapping and flanged solo elude to appeal but do attempt to compile several distinct eras in which some ways works. The lo-fi recording helps with the presentation. Interesting.
- hairshow from Unspecified on 4May2005
Extra Credit Awards
Male Vocals-2
Stupidest Song Ever-1
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on, we have made our way through the review cycle of "Nico's Dead, Nico's Dead" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "Back From Nebraska or Thank You, White Boy or Josephine".
Nico's Dead, Nico's Dead(4:14)

Score 2.4 out of 5.0
#178 of 197 in Current Experimental Rock
#1212 of 1437 in All-Time Experimental Rock
Nico's Dead, Nico's Dead is a song written, played (guitar), and produced by Jeff Archer with a little help from Mick-Drums, Rob-Vocals, Scott-Bass. It appeared on the hit Tonto Savalas album, Manifesto, and was an instant classic. Contact Jeff Archer at for more info.
Contact Jeff Archer at for more info.
song review
take everything you own as a band and go to your local pawn shop and get as much of your money back as you can you guys suck and i have never said that to a band before
- MalakiShawn from Tampa, Florida on 19May2005
I'm scared!
Well, THIS is experimental. As with most experimental rock songs, there are things I like more than others. I like how the lyrics go with the overall feeling of the song. I think the beginning is pretty good, with the banshee guitar and the bass. The guitar in the back at the end of the song is for me the best part of this song, very rocking. The song would be much better with some production. The drummer is original. Now some things I dig less: the guitar solo is a little uncompensated for my taste. The song structure doesn't build up, there's not much progression.
- Adult_Life from Madrid, Spain on 19May2005
For the first minutes this sounds more like someone just playing around on a guitar than a song.. The vocals need to be much clearer, I really don't like this song much at all, The solo-ish thing that starts about 2:00 is probably the best thing this song has going for it.. Mostly its the vocals that turn me off of this song, Its not horrible but its not good either..
- thevillin1 from Warr Acres, Oklahoma on 18May2005
Pink Fairies Tribute
Nice fucking feedback there at the beginning--humable! Odd as hell, but I love the bass and drums behind it, like a really trippy march, and it builds. Now it's like some down and dirty Pink Fairies shit; it's great. Samples or vocalist? Good effect at any rate but I think you could do so much more. Like the progressions by the lead guitarist, not too standard but could use a little more psychotic tension. Great back beat, good rhythm riff, but again, the vocals are a little weak, you need to experiment a little more with that. Great fucking drums and feedback, I could listen to that shit all night!
- Middies from Chattanooga, Tennessee on 18May2005
Feedback ! yes! What a guitar! thats the way to treat that instrument! the drums are cool played. Sounds like its improvised. I like the toughness in the voice. This is very original, very fresh and openminded music.
- jomkka from Stockholm, Sweden on 18May2005
Bubbling Bass, Distorted Amp Face, Killer Ech..
Uh...this starts out a little monotonous...Feedback is pretty cool but this get's old after over a minute of nothing but feedback from the amp...Weird vocals. Reminds me of Charles Manson's song "Feelings Begin To Growing". This helps because I like Manson's stuff...Cool guitar licks in the middle of the track. Bass is thumping pretty smooth on my system...After all of the feedback, the song is better... If I were you, I'd try to at least get a little bit of change or dynamics going on with this. Experimental is ok but really experiment. Get creative. Playing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and ov er is not experimental, it's annoying. You have potential though... I'll be watching for newer material inthe future...
OK...2 outta 5
- damien_lucas from Valliant, Oklahoma on 17May2005
cool. want to hear the screaming guiatrs closer in front of the mix. like the echoey barely inteligible voice. Everything sounds very far away - like I am listening to it through a floor or a door. Wow, guitar lead is old school, some serious talent there. Sounds like you guys are having fun just wacking around.
- smallshot from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 17May2005
so I�m suppossed to go where?
Interesting intro, feels like being thrown into a battle-field sometime after a huge chaotic duel between good and evil. Ha, then you suddenly throw in a metal-riff...strange...but could work, with a little more time in the studio, some production adjustments and stuff. hmm, Ok..this was a strange experience, experimental?..yes, but I never really found what you guys were trying to say, somehow the message drowned in lack of coherence and an overall smack-in-the-face-musical expression.
- mkkkL from Odense, Fyn, Denmark on 17May2005
A nice intro. But the production is kind of so-so. I love the drum and the noisy guitar. The bass is kind of hard to hear, and there's some clipping. It's kind of mixed really badly. when the song really kicks in (at about 1 min) everything is blurred and nothing is really listenable. We hear the vocals and the guitar solo but that's it. The production is totally horrible. Need a lot more work, since it's really hard to hear the song as it is.
- desertedparking from Quebec, Canada on 16May2005
This has been a long time coming
I've got to appraise this song for what it is: a flat-out, raw, guitar-laiden jam tune that Mr. Hendrix himself might have been proud of. Unfortunately, the vocals weren't clear enough for me to get a picture of what was trying to be conveyed there. Nonetheless, thanks to the fun and viruosity that the guitar parts exuded, backed up by some nice drumming (was there a bass guitar anywhere here?) this is a tune that just keeps giving.
- mhe from Syracuse, New York on 16May2005
effortless stoner rock. interesting story...although some lyrics are hard to hear because of production. the lead guitar work is explosive and melodic. very interesting effect work with around the 3: 45 mark. this is a good jam altogether. since this is under experimental i would prefer to recommend this rather than critique. its very cool when you're in that pink floyd mode. like it!
- plasticpeople from Portland, Oregon on 15May2005
This seems like it was a very creative idea that got kind of got muddled in production. It had some great parts like the guitar and the sample or spoken word in the middle, but they were muddy and in the background compared to the random noises and beat. Also somewhat repetitive towards the end.
- LennonTheBand from Northville, Michigan on 15May2005
Hot guitar in the center of my brain
Hey some feedback, where's Jimi Hendrix? Nice control of the feedback, maybe it could have been a tad more interesting. Maybe its a tad too well controlled. I like the approach. It is quite unique. I really like the jazzy drumming. Hey, I'm digging the guitars too. There is nothing boring about this. The guitars are very overheated and in the center of my brain while the the vocals are very cool and floating in the upper left, which makes a unique contrast. I expect this performer would always manage to surprize me.
- MostlyBlues from Hamtramck, Michigan on 15May2005
lackluster at best
I thought the feedback and wammie bar intro went a little long, almost to the point of stopping the song. Once the song kicked in, I did enjoy the guitar riff and the tone. The drums are pretty solid throughout. The vocals are wayyyy too loud and just don't sound like any effort was put into them; no emotion or thought to the lyrics. I dig experimental stuff, but, overall, I feel like you didn't really put any effort into this song.
- Allen_White from Austin, Texas on 14May2005
Shower of Abandoned Drive-ins
Go see a movie all by yourself. At night. With grandma's afghan over your head. You peer out of the holes at the light projected onto the screen. Its a bit cold, getting even more so. No popcorn, nor soda. This song describes exactly the feeling building up inside your mind as the frames chatter by. A building anticipation for anything to happen. Nor are there witnesses. Your in on this one all by yourself. The melody prescribed in this song has many moods lying in layers beneath. The longer you listen, the more of them rise up and fill you with the dark image.
I was expecting a lyrical cataclysm to finally erupt the cascading wall of sound, but it never came. I finished this song with my nails dug into my chair side, released back into a somewhat normal world. The trip was quite introspective but somewhere I feel I should have been raped back there, but wasnt.
- cbiemeck from Racine, Wisconsin on 14May2005
Not really
Hey guys, intro is too long, and what follows is really too simplistic to my taste. Sounds like 70's, revisited but a basement practice with anything goes. Couldn't get into into this.
And I love the 70's, but somthing that sounds like work was put into it...not this! Yes for 70's but work at it!!
- axworth from Montreal, Quebec, Canada on 14May2005
Nice ideas, poor performance and sound
Nice ideas, interesting and dynamic. Performance is not that tight, drum fills are weak, bass really needs to do much more. Rhythm guitar is lacking power in both sound and playing, and after a couple of minutes the lead is just wandering around and loosing my interest. Needs a tighter performance, less muddy sound. It got my interest at the start and I was expecting it to really go places but it just stayed around the same theme.
- Simey from Belfast, United Kingdom on 14May2005
Another home recording from some guys trying to make it in the biz. Someone gave this guy a whammy bar for christmas and he sure loves to use it. Common, gimme something to listen to. Oh, now, a guy talks to me, through a dozen of reverbs and fx-pedals. Drummer seems very non-confident with his playing and the performance is sloppy and stiff. Guitarist knows how to play many notes at once. This could be a funny song if it was decent recorded and that's what i advice you guys to do: get yourself some proper gear!
- bluerat from Malmoe, Skane, Sweden on 14May2005
Your experimenting
Ok so you got some great pan work down with the left to center in the begining of this track..I would just recomend to make it a bit more subtle or hit me with a wave of violent noise when you pan back to center....When I say violent, what I mean is the hard tones you have on that lead and all that crunchy distortion on the guitar. That was nice...Wammy bar and all. Sounds like a drug induced jam session. At the 3:37 mark you have somthing special going on and its to bad you had to end the song with it, the distorted electric guitar struming that came in on the left side of my headphones sounded like eirly "Sonic Youth" work. You see this element was so good I think you should expand on that through the whole song...try switching up from that distortion to a weird clean or weird empty hallow sound with feed back or somthing and it would be even more progressive.
- slowminded from Park Row, Texas on 13May2005
I little too experimental. A bit annoying. Change the drum rhythm to something a little harder and bring the spoken word part in much earlier. Tone that whirring sound down just a notch and give the peice more of an overall format. This could become something, but I think it just sounds like some warm up at this point.
- DaddyOmega from Pawtucket, Rhode Island on 13May2005
intro is likey
i really liked the guitar intro on this. i think it should have gone somewhere other than that noise a lot sooner than it did or else this would have been much more enjoyable especially without the vocals
- rawkasaurusrex from Spokane, Washington on 7May2005
Noise Rock
The beginning reminds me of Noise Rockers like Sonic Youth but with shades of Hendrix's improvs from Woodstock in moments in the soloing. Interesting darkness in the vocal tone, sounds like he's speaking Geman. The drummer keeps the groove pretty well too. Nice uptempo solo work on the guitar. Brooding track here. I'd like to hear it produced slightly bettered, perhaps mastered, because there are several intersting elements hear that could shine better if polished.
- Alcibiades from New Haven, Connecticut on 7May2005
Dont Get It
The metal influence with distorted rapping and flanged solo elude to appeal but do attempt to compile several distinct eras in which some ways works. The lo-fi recording helps with the presentation. Interesting.
- hairshow from Unspecified on 4May2005
Extra Credit Awards
Male Vocals-2
Stupidest Song Ever-1
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