Suecide Me
Hello Everybody
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on, we have made our way through the review cycle of "Suecide Me" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "7 Mile".
Suecide Me(4:51)

Score 2.5 out of 5.0
#165 of 194 in Current Experimental Rock
#1115 of 1,374 in All-Time Experimental Rock
This was on the Tonto Savalas album, Honey Mustard. As far as I know, this is a song about a love/hate relationship between Mick and an ex of his named Sue. This song was recorded most likely in the fall of 1995 with all vocals and instrumentation being done by Mic. Scott produced it.
In general I'm much to lazy to put up lyrics, maybe some nice soul will edit them into this post. I actually did try writing them but there were too many things that I didn't know.
i loooooove piano intros to rock songs!!
First of all im not even a piano player and i love this intro...unfortunatly the vocals are kinda like a bad roger waters, although this does sound like it could be off the wall.
- Bluffmusic from South Salem, New York on 20Apr2005
High hopes torn down
In the beginning, a song has an introduction. Then, with other intstruments or chords, the song progresses. In this case, the song represses with addition of the vocals. Maybe the straining of the voice is supposed to show the listener how desparate the vocalist really is. However, the lulling of the first piano riff is what caught my attention and that would have to be the strong point of the recording.
- thetimelinepost from Unspecified on 20Apr2005
Sloppy with Swagger
The piano is excellent. The singing is a bit annoying. The way it's delivered reminds me of Daniel Johnston or Wesley Willis.Don't care for it much.If that's the plan then it' works.
- jrumbass from Raleigh, North Carolina on 20Apr2005
Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God
You suck so hard I thought I was listening to gay porn. Aggghhhhhh
what are you trying to do man.
Please for the love of god just stop. and for the guy who is going to review my review. listen to this fucking song and tell me I am wrong. this is just Mean to subject a real musician to this.
this is something I would have done at the age of 4. Know what
I am not even going to be nice anymore. Fuck you you talentless fucking shitbag. you wasted my time. I blow fart bubbles in my bath With more talent. you worthless asshole Fuck Off and die
- jayceerocker from College Point, Queens, New York on 17Apr2005
The Piano sounded really good. It had a really nice melody. It's just the singing i didn't like. It didn't seem like the singer could reach high notes very well. Kind of sounded like cats meowing.
- nickmccollum from Laotto, Indiana on 15Apr2005
this is oddly very good in the end except for..
This song starts off with a great piano run, i like the possibiltiy of it being really pretty now...oh shit!bad singer.a bit of a softie too.singing about killing himself i think.very dramatic,great in capturing a very dark and desparte mood. take a singing lesson, if you don't think you need it right now.Knd of a Flaming lips quality though, maybe this is what he is after.i really like those piano chords.i think someone takes a piss at 2:45 min... i think that is just weird.
- BattleshipEthel from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on 15Apr2005
kill me now
oh my god.learn to sing, it pains me to finish the song, the piano is good but that voice just sucks any deep thought or emotion from the song. gawd! it's actually cracking me up, i'd finish the song but its making my logic deteriorate as we speak. i am putting myself in danger of going tone deaf if i listen to anymore. please don't ever sing again. wait, even the backup singer can't sing. jeez, can you just not hear yourself? ack like nails across a chalkboard
- maxheadlessness from Summersville, West Virginia on 14Apr2005
this song sounds like a ghost. or a memory. or drunks. i'm not sure. but i love it.
the hiss and the piano are what its all about.
is someone pissing during part of this song?
man i hope so.
- coyplott from Charlotte, North Carolina on 14Apr2005
Oh piano me baby
First of, dont ever, ever stop playing the piano its fantastic with its repeating melody. Also a bit weird paired up with the high Helium pitched vocals..nice lyrics though. Is that you takin a piss in the song? It made me smile with the water sound. The corius is very thers a good grating sound. over all its a good song.
- slowminded from Park Row, Texas on 13Apr2005
Slowminded happened to write us back about the song a couple of weeks later, this is what he had to say:
I still listen to the song "Suecide Me" on a daily basis, what a fucking great sound you have going on there, this song inspires me and the more I listen to it the more I feel like I've gaind something from it, be it inspiration, calmness, or the shear aggressiveness of it at times. Its a wonder that I just noticed how well the sped up part in the middle sounded against the backdrop of dark piano. Every time I hear this song I must give you props for the mood you set for the listener in this song.
Haunted by a freak?
The intro got me excited, as it sounds like a nice type of Mogwai, but the singing is not for me. Its probably the production/ recording situation, but it sounds distant: and a bit liek a mix between Iggy Pop and Ozzy Osbourne. The backup vocals scare me a bit as well. I did like the water effects. I know its supposed to be experimental, but this might be a bit too much for me.
- Apotropaic from Unspecified on 13Apr2005
Strange but intriguing me....
I really like the piano that I'm hearing. It's a lovely melody. I'm not sure what to make of the vocals. They're recorded a little harsh. Well, I consider myself honest so hear it goes...the vocals are very flat in most parts, as well, the harmony is way off. The piano really is a redeeming part of this recording. The vocals are recorded too loud. A compressor could help soften those harsh points in the mix. It sounds like someone's taking a leak. Seriously. That's what I hear. Is that water or something? This is so hard to listen to at points. Is it a joke? I'm seriuosly asking. If not, sorry, but it's really hard to listen to. I've reviewed 140 pairs of songs on Garageband and I have never said that before. We're near the end of your track now and I'll leave it by still saying that the basic piano melody is really quite pretty. Good luck to you.
- psaurini from Northglenn, Colorado on 13Apr2005
Very Wobbly
The piano sample was nice, it fit the mood of the song nicely and had a nice "sway" to it. The lyrics had good emotion and fit the song well(From what I could understand of them.)
The singer needs to know how to sing. His voice was very wobbly, and always either sharp or flat. The song was lacking in instrumentation. The piano sample would have went nicely with a guitar or even some hand drums (to keep the mellowness). I'm not sure what it was supposed to mean, but in the middle of the song it sounded like someone was taking a leak....not sure. This song could possibly have a lot of emotional power if you would clean it up, hit the right notes singing, and added something to accompany the piano.
Over-All 2 out of 10
- Sever_AL_ from Anniston, Alabama on 12Apr2005
emotion was belivable
horrible sound, horrible singer,
bad everything except for dynamic breakdown @ 2:25.
the most awful song i've ever heard!!!!
if you like WEEN thats cool but only they can pull off the badness of the boognish!!!!
the song is so bad...
the only good thing i have to say is that the emotion was belivable.
- dollar_bill from Colorado Springs, Colorado on 12Apr2005
Nice start
The start can define a song, this one is very musical, sad and the rain. Wow wait...the singer...the piano...the lyrics...therain...thesong...mmm...fell deep...asavior?...thepiano...hope the anguish is honest. Desperate noise, dark strokes of faith. Hope goes angry...walks with piano..and is still raining.
- LaExistance from Chicago, Illinois on 12Apr2005
pretty wasted?
Hissy distant sounding miked upright piano. Singing comes in -- the guy is sincere but doesn't have a good voice. Maybe kinda like Randy Newman. The singing is off key. Out of tune backups at about 1:50 don't help. Things shift to another chord structure at 2 minutes. Sounds like they shifted the tape speed or something. Running water or taking a leak or someting at 2:50 is interesting. I think these people were very drunk or high when they recorded. Maybe they are aiming for a Shane McGowan sort of thing.
- rcrath from Honolulu, Hawaii on 10Apr2005
Fine Piano Work on introduction...
Man, i don't know what to think really... I can't undertand the words so i can't respond to the lyrics. Nothing besides voice and piano? Well, the piano is splendid and the best thing you have working for you. It's delicate, nicely recorded and shows exceptional talent in the ebony and ivory department. Now abotu those vocals or lack thereof. It sounds liek you're making a joke really. Never on key at all that i could hear and hard to make out words or the language you're speaking. Weird to say the least.
Overall production is B-.
- damien_lucas from Valliant, Oklahoma on 10Apr2005
afloat in melancholy
drifting afloat on a grand piano. in an ocean of melancholy. depressing lyrics and vocals.made me think about snuff in it out.the burst of anger kinda sparatic like the change though. background vocals give alittle more depth to the song. overall its okay. i would have i nother person sing lyrics and have whoever singing now doing back up pieces for certain parts . other than the vocals love the piano
- bloodybutcher from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on 6Apr2005
An experiment gone awry...
I hate to say this, but it sounds like a couple drunk people got behind a piano and started to sing way out of key without a key in the world. The song just didn't seem serious at all. It's almost as if you're making fun of yourselves. It's a shame, because it sounds like whoever is at the piano can actually play.
- OO@528253~629Management from Jacksonville, Florida on 6Apr2005
alrighty then
I like the piano part. Well written and atmospheric. The vocals on the other hand...?
I admire the passion, if thats what it was.., but unfortunately i dont think its a secret that anyone reviewing this would say the vocals are bad. I cant review the lyrics because they were completely masked in inaudible noise.
- schwagrotto from West Valley City, Utah on 6Apr2005
keep it instrumental
at least until you practice your vocals a lot. you're unable to stay on a note or reach the note you're going for. i'm not criticizing your STYLE, just your ability, which is purely up to practice. beautiful piano, though. hard to make things out when it gets loud, quality is too low.
haha, nice water sound. well, nice as in, it's funny you used a real water sound, cause most people would use a sample, but i guess you have to with this low fi home recording.
- Azgotzia from Unspecified on 5Apr2005
Extra Credit Awards
Each reviewer (out of the 20 reviews) is allowed to give as many awards as they see fit, the number after each award is the amount of times that aspect got an extra credit vote.
Stupidest Song I've Ever Heard-2
Male Vocals-1
Smoochiest Love Song-1
Reviews mentioning the water sound-3
Reviews mentioning someone taking a piss-6
On GarageBand they have a section titled "Reviewers' Picks" these are sorted by genre. Songs within each genre receiving the most Extra Credit Awards for a specific element become the song of the week for that element. Well I forgot to mention that "Suecide Me" was awarded the reviewers pick award for the week of April 11th, 18th, and 25th, in the category of "Best Keyboards/Organ/Piano" and was the "Stupidest Song Ever" for the week of April 11th.
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on, we have made our way through the review cycle of "Suecide Me" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "7 Mile".
Suecide Me(4:51)

Score 2.5 out of 5.0
#165 of 194 in Current Experimental Rock
#1115 of 1,374 in All-Time Experimental Rock
This was on the Tonto Savalas album, Honey Mustard. As far as I know, this is a song about a love/hate relationship between Mick and an ex of his named Sue. This song was recorded most likely in the fall of 1995 with all vocals and instrumentation being done by Mic. Scott produced it.
In general I'm much to lazy to put up lyrics, maybe some nice soul will edit them into this post. I actually did try writing them but there were too many things that I didn't know.
i loooooove piano intros to rock songs!!
First of all im not even a piano player and i love this intro...unfortunatly the vocals are kinda like a bad roger waters, although this does sound like it could be off the wall.
- Bluffmusic from South Salem, New York on 20Apr2005
High hopes torn down
In the beginning, a song has an introduction. Then, with other intstruments or chords, the song progresses. In this case, the song represses with addition of the vocals. Maybe the straining of the voice is supposed to show the listener how desparate the vocalist really is. However, the lulling of the first piano riff is what caught my attention and that would have to be the strong point of the recording.
- thetimelinepost from Unspecified on 20Apr2005
Sloppy with Swagger
The piano is excellent. The singing is a bit annoying. The way it's delivered reminds me of Daniel Johnston or Wesley Willis.Don't care for it much.If that's the plan then it' works.
- jrumbass from Raleigh, North Carolina on 20Apr2005
Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God
You suck so hard I thought I was listening to gay porn. Aggghhhhhh
what are you trying to do man.
Please for the love of god just stop. and for the guy who is going to review my review. listen to this fucking song and tell me I am wrong. this is just Mean to subject a real musician to this.
this is something I would have done at the age of 4. Know what
I am not even going to be nice anymore. Fuck you you talentless fucking shitbag. you wasted my time. I blow fart bubbles in my bath With more talent. you worthless asshole Fuck Off and die
- jayceerocker from College Point, Queens, New York on 17Apr2005
The Piano sounded really good. It had a really nice melody. It's just the singing i didn't like. It didn't seem like the singer could reach high notes very well. Kind of sounded like cats meowing.
- nickmccollum from Laotto, Indiana on 15Apr2005
this is oddly very good in the end except for..
This song starts off with a great piano run, i like the possibiltiy of it being really pretty now...oh shit!bad singer.a bit of a softie too.singing about killing himself i think.very dramatic,great in capturing a very dark and desparte mood. take a singing lesson, if you don't think you need it right now.Knd of a Flaming lips quality though, maybe this is what he is after.i really like those piano chords.i think someone takes a piss at 2:45 min... i think that is just weird.
- BattleshipEthel from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on 15Apr2005
kill me now
oh my god.learn to sing, it pains me to finish the song, the piano is good but that voice just sucks any deep thought or emotion from the song. gawd! it's actually cracking me up, i'd finish the song but its making my logic deteriorate as we speak. i am putting myself in danger of going tone deaf if i listen to anymore. please don't ever sing again. wait, even the backup singer can't sing. jeez, can you just not hear yourself? ack like nails across a chalkboard
- maxheadlessness from Summersville, West Virginia on 14Apr2005
this song sounds like a ghost. or a memory. or drunks. i'm not sure. but i love it.
the hiss and the piano are what its all about.
is someone pissing during part of this song?
man i hope so.
- coyplott from Charlotte, North Carolina on 14Apr2005
Oh piano me baby
First of, dont ever, ever stop playing the piano its fantastic with its repeating melody. Also a bit weird paired up with the high Helium pitched vocals..nice lyrics though. Is that you takin a piss in the song? It made me smile with the water sound. The corius is very thers a good grating sound. over all its a good song.
- slowminded from Park Row, Texas on 13Apr2005
Slowminded happened to write us back about the song a couple of weeks later, this is what he had to say:
I still listen to the song "Suecide Me" on a daily basis, what a fucking great sound you have going on there, this song inspires me and the more I listen to it the more I feel like I've gaind something from it, be it inspiration, calmness, or the shear aggressiveness of it at times. Its a wonder that I just noticed how well the sped up part in the middle sounded against the backdrop of dark piano. Every time I hear this song I must give you props for the mood you set for the listener in this song.
Haunted by a freak?
The intro got me excited, as it sounds like a nice type of Mogwai, but the singing is not for me. Its probably the production/ recording situation, but it sounds distant: and a bit liek a mix between Iggy Pop and Ozzy Osbourne. The backup vocals scare me a bit as well. I did like the water effects. I know its supposed to be experimental, but this might be a bit too much for me.
- Apotropaic from Unspecified on 13Apr2005
Strange but intriguing me....
I really like the piano that I'm hearing. It's a lovely melody. I'm not sure what to make of the vocals. They're recorded a little harsh. Well, I consider myself honest so hear it goes...the vocals are very flat in most parts, as well, the harmony is way off. The piano really is a redeeming part of this recording. The vocals are recorded too loud. A compressor could help soften those harsh points in the mix. It sounds like someone's taking a leak. Seriously. That's what I hear. Is that water or something? This is so hard to listen to at points. Is it a joke? I'm seriuosly asking. If not, sorry, but it's really hard to listen to. I've reviewed 140 pairs of songs on Garageband and I have never said that before. We're near the end of your track now and I'll leave it by still saying that the basic piano melody is really quite pretty. Good luck to you.
- psaurini from Northglenn, Colorado on 13Apr2005
Very Wobbly
The piano sample was nice, it fit the mood of the song nicely and had a nice "sway" to it. The lyrics had good emotion and fit the song well(From what I could understand of them.)
The singer needs to know how to sing. His voice was very wobbly, and always either sharp or flat. The song was lacking in instrumentation. The piano sample would have went nicely with a guitar or even some hand drums (to keep the mellowness). I'm not sure what it was supposed to mean, but in the middle of the song it sounded like someone was taking a leak....not sure. This song could possibly have a lot of emotional power if you would clean it up, hit the right notes singing, and added something to accompany the piano.
Over-All 2 out of 10
- Sever_AL_ from Anniston, Alabama on 12Apr2005
emotion was belivable
horrible sound, horrible singer,
bad everything except for dynamic breakdown @ 2:25.
the most awful song i've ever heard!!!!
if you like WEEN thats cool but only they can pull off the badness of the boognish!!!!
the song is so bad...
the only good thing i have to say is that the emotion was belivable.
- dollar_bill from Colorado Springs, Colorado on 12Apr2005
Nice start
The start can define a song, this one is very musical, sad and the rain. Wow wait...the singer...the piano...the lyrics...therain...thesong...mmm...fell deep...asavior?...thepiano...hope the anguish is honest. Desperate noise, dark strokes of faith. Hope goes angry...walks with piano..and is still raining.
- LaExistance from Chicago, Illinois on 12Apr2005
pretty wasted?
Hissy distant sounding miked upright piano. Singing comes in -- the guy is sincere but doesn't have a good voice. Maybe kinda like Randy Newman. The singing is off key. Out of tune backups at about 1:50 don't help. Things shift to another chord structure at 2 minutes. Sounds like they shifted the tape speed or something. Running water or taking a leak or someting at 2:50 is interesting. I think these people were very drunk or high when they recorded. Maybe they are aiming for a Shane McGowan sort of thing.
- rcrath from Honolulu, Hawaii on 10Apr2005
Fine Piano Work on introduction...
Man, i don't know what to think really... I can't undertand the words so i can't respond to the lyrics. Nothing besides voice and piano? Well, the piano is splendid and the best thing you have working for you. It's delicate, nicely recorded and shows exceptional talent in the ebony and ivory department. Now abotu those vocals or lack thereof. It sounds liek you're making a joke really. Never on key at all that i could hear and hard to make out words or the language you're speaking. Weird to say the least.
Overall production is B-.
- damien_lucas from Valliant, Oklahoma on 10Apr2005
afloat in melancholy
drifting afloat on a grand piano. in an ocean of melancholy. depressing lyrics and vocals.made me think about snuff in it out.the burst of anger kinda sparatic like the change though. background vocals give alittle more depth to the song. overall its okay. i would have i nother person sing lyrics and have whoever singing now doing back up pieces for certain parts . other than the vocals love the piano
- bloodybutcher from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on 6Apr2005
An experiment gone awry...
I hate to say this, but it sounds like a couple drunk people got behind a piano and started to sing way out of key without a key in the world. The song just didn't seem serious at all. It's almost as if you're making fun of yourselves. It's a shame, because it sounds like whoever is at the piano can actually play.
- OO@528253~629Management from Jacksonville, Florida on 6Apr2005
alrighty then
I like the piano part. Well written and atmospheric. The vocals on the other hand...?
I admire the passion, if thats what it was.., but unfortunately i dont think its a secret that anyone reviewing this would say the vocals are bad. I cant review the lyrics because they were completely masked in inaudible noise.
- schwagrotto from West Valley City, Utah on 6Apr2005
keep it instrumental
at least until you practice your vocals a lot. you're unable to stay on a note or reach the note you're going for. i'm not criticizing your STYLE, just your ability, which is purely up to practice. beautiful piano, though. hard to make things out when it gets loud, quality is too low.
haha, nice water sound. well, nice as in, it's funny you used a real water sound, cause most people would use a sample, but i guess you have to with this low fi home recording.
- Azgotzia from Unspecified on 5Apr2005
Extra Credit Awards
Each reviewer (out of the 20 reviews) is allowed to give as many awards as they see fit, the number after each award is the amount of times that aspect got an extra credit vote.
Stupidest Song I've Ever Heard-2
Male Vocals-1
Smoochiest Love Song-1
Reviews mentioning the water sound-3
Reviews mentioning someone taking a piss-6
On GarageBand they have a section titled "Reviewers' Picks" these are sorted by genre. Songs within each genre receiving the most Extra Credit Awards for a specific element become the song of the week for that element. Well I forgot to mention that "Suecide Me" was awarded the reviewers pick award for the week of April 11th, 18th, and 25th, in the category of "Best Keyboards/Organ/Piano" and was the "Stupidest Song Ever" for the week of April 11th.
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