Thank You, White Boy
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on, we have made our way through the review cycle of "Thank You, White Boy" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "Back From Nebraska or Josephine".
Thank You, White Boy(2:50)

Score 1.3 out of 5.0
#58 of 58 in Current Power Pop
#1525 of 1528 in All-Time Power Pop
This song was recorded the 2nd Mick and Rob were at the Kingsville house. All songs that night were recorded with some heavy effects and this song doesn't disappoint. Featuring the soulful singing and poignant lyrics of Rob, some beautiful bass playing by Jayfry, Mickey banging on his drums, and me laying down some heavy guitar. This song leads off the epic Tonto Savalas album, Book of Tonto, and was produced by Rob.
These lyrics are being held in a top secret lab of the pentagon, if interested go to
Incomprehensibly Distorted Vocals, Muddy Mix
I can't understand a word this guy is saying. The distortion on his voice is beyond overkill. Muddy mix overall. Drums and bass are played ok, but the song is going nowhere. What the hell is he saying? Don't you wanna gulrble num grimmle with me? There has got to be more to this song than that? Right? Wait . . . its over. Apparently not. I hope you guys didn't have a lot riding on this song. I have no choice but to give it a bad review. Sorry.
- Skepticus from San Antonio, Texas on 24May2005
This is not good guys. You need to remix this piece in a professional studio. Start over and rework the melody. The vocals should be clear..they become annoying after awhile. A bit more effort guys. Keep trucking, good luck.
- ToddMicheals from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada on 24May2005
lessen the effects...
This is an example of when one part of a song distracts from the rest. Effects on vocals are common place today, but effects that thick throughout the entire song really distract from the rest of the song. Lyrics are impossible to understand. Are the effects compensating for something??? That's for you to determine. The rest of the song was uneventful. Make a few changes to the song (ie, make the chorus and verses distinct and maybe add a break or solo), and lessen the effects on the vocals.
- thecosmonauts from Little Rock, Arkansas on 24May2005
In the Garage
The vocals are way too distorted, even for a garage demo. Because of the distortion, I can hardly make out the lyrics. The vox are too high in the mix; drums and bass need to come up. It sounds like this was recorded off one mic. You need to have a mic on each instrument to control the balance. And watch your recording levels. Give it another try.
- maluko from Gastonia, North Carolina on 24May2005
- snowhite29 from Long Beach, California on 24May2005
I don't know what to say about this. I guess some people have dreams to run to the top of the charts. This is 100 percent garbage.
- Mordicai from Unspecified on 23May2005
Mic in mouth
I don't understand the purpose of the song since it sounds like a bunch of kids who drank too much alcohol one night and decided to record a song. It's the worst song I've reviewed here and among the worst I've ever heard in my life. The only words I hear, since it sounds like the guy is eating up the microphone, is "thank you". I could say "thank you" right back if you would stop doing music and got another job.
- chrille from Stockholm, Sweden on 23May2005
odd intro
Where's that intro from? I'm curious. To be honest it was the best thing about the song, it's just all very odd to say the least, there was no distinct melody. I can't quite make out whether you are taking the piss or what, if you are then fair enough, if your not then you need to have a serious think as to what your actually trying to transmit. I can't hear any guitars, the production is really bad, and the drums are extremely sloppy. As for the vocals, what sound are you aiming for, it sounds like youre on dope.
- theroyle4 from United Kingdom on 23May2005
ridiculous;awful;waste of good hard disk space;
- Hall from Unspecified on 23May2005 Distracting
The vocal effects are entirely too distracting and way too loud in the mix. They cover up the drums and other instruments. Not my cup of tea but for what it is, it is quite interesting.
- WeaponXman from Waco, Texas on 22May2005
i like the sample at the start. i can't understand a bloody word this person is saying. how is this power pop, or even music. no offense, but don't quit your day job. this gave me a headache. if it was an attempt to be artsy, they failed miserably.
- tanya_candler from Canada on 20May2005
Too samey
I know the point is to make the vocal sound messed up - but it's swamping anything else. Even a small reduction in volume (without losing the distortion) would make a lot of difference. The backing sounds swampy and works nicely with the vocal, but this is far too repetitive - at least move around with the vocal to hold on to interest.
- maceo_ from Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom on 20May2005
using weird effects on vocals that make the whole thing unbearable. If you can't sing let someone else do the job. Singing is about expressing yourself but there is a need that you have something to tell and that it has a chance to reach your audience. You've got a wall of effects between you and your audience that won't help at all. The Band isn't very experienced I guess but is going for a nice mood with a decent groove not too bad at all. Maybe a change to a second chord would help to keep it interesting. The way it is it is a one chord jam that isn't very impressing. Could be a decent lofi underground thingy if only...You get rid of this singer
Put some more ideas in your song structure
Good Luck
- benhigher from Berlin, Germany on 20May2005
Get Real
What in the world??? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be constructive about this considering the fact that it doesn't even sound like you tried to make a legible peice of music. Sounds like somebody helped themselves to the bands instruments at a drunken party. The song doesn't go anywhere, the vocals have so much distortion on them,you can't hear a word,the same boring drum and bass line is being played through the entire song,you can hear people talking and laughing in the background.I'm sure you didn't expect to much from this. I hope.
- bubbsta_31 from Fort Wayne, Indiana on 19May2005
its garageband!
………Song:Trashy low-fi garageband!
I was going to say terrible…but I listened again…it’s trashy, but it’s suppose to be? Did I get it? The drums are out of time, and the vocals are distorted. The loop in the intro sets the mood, but goes on for quite a while .20 seconds?
………Band asked for comments on: Nothing
Very distorted and drunken sounding. Flanging/modulated sound thoughout.
Finds it hard to keep timing…no impact of passion in playing.
………My Summary:
This was in the pop/rock mix. This doesn’t fit is, as it’s very trashy, but that could be a good thing if your going for it. If you are? Then top marks to you as it really is a true ‘gargeband’ song in the truest sense!
I don’t know why, but as its so bad id listen to this again. ?? werid eh.
- ontheborderline from Www.Ontheborderline.Com on 19May2005
Not working fellas
Hmm, the vocal effect is a joke. Not only can I not understand what your saying, I have a sneaking suspicion you're not saying anything at all. You're clearly trying to be funny, as this isn't a very serious attempt at a song, so perhaps you should have posted this in "comedy". It's not working, in fact it's annoying beyond all words.
- BillyReid from Victoria, Canada on 19May2005
well, this was a weird experience. it was artistic, but not my kind of music. experimental can be good, but i dont know if i liked this too much. sounds like it was recorded in a trashcan.
- mouf from Ume�, Sweden on 19May2005
Interesting... maybe.
Blue not the song, but the movie. Nice sample from it to start your song.
Very distorted vocals and whiny/snarly vocals. I have no idea what the singer is saying. Drums and guitar sound like something from an unreleased Beck song.
The melody isn't that engaging to me, or might be more inclined to listen to the inaudible singing.
There's a definite groove here that might be cool if I was drunk on a 7 day bender of Jack Daniels and Jager shots. I'm sure there's an audience for this, unfortunately it might only be the members of the band. But I applaud your effort to try something expermimental, at least.
- DonaldDarko from Middlesex, Virginia on 18May2005
Daniel Johnston?
Whats hits me is the Daniel J feeling, homemade and a little bit brilliant. Can't say I get the lyrics, but that probably the way it should be. The beats and mood a cool. The bassline works with the mood and with the beat of the drums.
- Declined from Oslo, Norway on 18May2005
WOW !!!!!
something, something, WHITE BOY !!! I don't know how this comedy tune got into the "power pop" but this is funny stuff! drums sure have a "live" feel to them although bass sounds like loops (lol)...
- ShallowCreek from Breezy Point, New York on 18May2005
I really don't know what to say. A part of me would honestly like to beleive that this is only a way of expressing one self in an extremely artistic manner, but I can't bring myself to do that. The recording quality is terrible, but has just enough clarity to hear the uncertain and wawering playing of the bass and drums... as they stagger to keep the song going, the "vocalis" mumbles something quite unexplanable in a voice put through such a distortion it might just as well be a bagpipe. It's hard to say whether there is actual tallent there or not, as the band doesn't even try.
And the beginning... shouting "let's fuck" to the beginning of this kind of a song is just awfull.
- Samu2 from Helsinki, Finland on 18May2005
Extra Credit Awards
Stupidest Song Ever-2
Thank You, White Boy was awarded the Stupidest Song in Power Pop for the week of, 5-30-05.
I also failed to mention that Thank You, White Boy was Track of the Day in Power Pop on May 21st, 2005.
In our continuing series of songs being reviewed on, we have made our way through the review cycle of "Thank You, White Boy" here is all the info about the song and the reviews that it received. Reviewers are also able to give extra credit to certain elements of a song, a list of the extra credit awards will be shown after all the reviews. See you next time with, "Back From Nebraska or Josephine".
Thank You, White Boy(2:50)

Score 1.3 out of 5.0
#58 of 58 in Current Power Pop
#1525 of 1528 in All-Time Power Pop
This song was recorded the 2nd Mick and Rob were at the Kingsville house. All songs that night were recorded with some heavy effects and this song doesn't disappoint. Featuring the soulful singing and poignant lyrics of Rob, some beautiful bass playing by Jayfry, Mickey banging on his drums, and me laying down some heavy guitar. This song leads off the epic Tonto Savalas album, Book of Tonto, and was produced by Rob.
These lyrics are being held in a top secret lab of the pentagon, if interested go to
Incomprehensibly Distorted Vocals, Muddy Mix
I can't understand a word this guy is saying. The distortion on his voice is beyond overkill. Muddy mix overall. Drums and bass are played ok, but the song is going nowhere. What the hell is he saying? Don't you wanna gulrble num grimmle with me? There has got to be more to this song than that? Right? Wait . . . its over. Apparently not. I hope you guys didn't have a lot riding on this song. I have no choice but to give it a bad review. Sorry.
- Skepticus from San Antonio, Texas on 24May2005
This is not good guys. You need to remix this piece in a professional studio. Start over and rework the melody. The vocals should be clear..they become annoying after awhile. A bit more effort guys. Keep trucking, good luck.
- ToddMicheals from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada on 24May2005
lessen the effects...
This is an example of when one part of a song distracts from the rest. Effects on vocals are common place today, but effects that thick throughout the entire song really distract from the rest of the song. Lyrics are impossible to understand. Are the effects compensating for something??? That's for you to determine. The rest of the song was uneventful. Make a few changes to the song (ie, make the chorus and verses distinct and maybe add a break or solo), and lessen the effects on the vocals.
- thecosmonauts from Little Rock, Arkansas on 24May2005
In the Garage
The vocals are way too distorted, even for a garage demo. Because of the distortion, I can hardly make out the lyrics. The vox are too high in the mix; drums and bass need to come up. It sounds like this was recorded off one mic. You need to have a mic on each instrument to control the balance. And watch your recording levels. Give it another try.
- maluko from Gastonia, North Carolina on 24May2005
- snowhite29 from Long Beach, California on 24May2005
I don't know what to say about this. I guess some people have dreams to run to the top of the charts. This is 100 percent garbage.
- Mordicai from Unspecified on 23May2005
Mic in mouth
I don't understand the purpose of the song since it sounds like a bunch of kids who drank too much alcohol one night and decided to record a song. It's the worst song I've reviewed here and among the worst I've ever heard in my life. The only words I hear, since it sounds like the guy is eating up the microphone, is "thank you". I could say "thank you" right back if you would stop doing music and got another job.
- chrille from Stockholm, Sweden on 23May2005
odd intro
Where's that intro from? I'm curious. To be honest it was the best thing about the song, it's just all very odd to say the least, there was no distinct melody. I can't quite make out whether you are taking the piss or what, if you are then fair enough, if your not then you need to have a serious think as to what your actually trying to transmit. I can't hear any guitars, the production is really bad, and the drums are extremely sloppy. As for the vocals, what sound are you aiming for, it sounds like youre on dope.
- theroyle4 from United Kingdom on 23May2005
ridiculous;awful;waste of good hard disk space;
- Hall from Unspecified on 23May2005 Distracting
The vocal effects are entirely too distracting and way too loud in the mix. They cover up the drums and other instruments. Not my cup of tea but for what it is, it is quite interesting.
- WeaponXman from Waco, Texas on 22May2005
i like the sample at the start. i can't understand a bloody word this person is saying. how is this power pop, or even music. no offense, but don't quit your day job. this gave me a headache. if it was an attempt to be artsy, they failed miserably.
- tanya_candler from Canada on 20May2005
Too samey
I know the point is to make the vocal sound messed up - but it's swamping anything else. Even a small reduction in volume (without losing the distortion) would make a lot of difference. The backing sounds swampy and works nicely with the vocal, but this is far too repetitive - at least move around with the vocal to hold on to interest.
- maceo_ from Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom on 20May2005
using weird effects on vocals that make the whole thing unbearable. If you can't sing let someone else do the job. Singing is about expressing yourself but there is a need that you have something to tell and that it has a chance to reach your audience. You've got a wall of effects between you and your audience that won't help at all. The Band isn't very experienced I guess but is going for a nice mood with a decent groove not too bad at all. Maybe a change to a second chord would help to keep it interesting. The way it is it is a one chord jam that isn't very impressing. Could be a decent lofi underground thingy if only...You get rid of this singer
Put some more ideas in your song structure
Good Luck
- benhigher from Berlin, Germany on 20May2005
Get Real
What in the world??? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be constructive about this considering the fact that it doesn't even sound like you tried to make a legible peice of music. Sounds like somebody helped themselves to the bands instruments at a drunken party. The song doesn't go anywhere, the vocals have so much distortion on them,you can't hear a word,the same boring drum and bass line is being played through the entire song,you can hear people talking and laughing in the background.I'm sure you didn't expect to much from this. I hope.
- bubbsta_31 from Fort Wayne, Indiana on 19May2005
its garageband!
………Song:Trashy low-fi garageband!
I was going to say terrible…but I listened again…it’s trashy, but it’s suppose to be? Did I get it? The drums are out of time, and the vocals are distorted. The loop in the intro sets the mood, but goes on for quite a while .20 seconds?
………Band asked for comments on: Nothing
Very distorted and drunken sounding. Flanging/modulated sound thoughout.
Finds it hard to keep timing…no impact of passion in playing.
………My Summary:
This was in the pop/rock mix. This doesn’t fit is, as it’s very trashy, but that could be a good thing if your going for it. If you are? Then top marks to you as it really is a true ‘gargeband’ song in the truest sense!
I don’t know why, but as its so bad id listen to this again. ?? werid eh.
- ontheborderline from Www.Ontheborderline.Com on 19May2005
Not working fellas
Hmm, the vocal effect is a joke. Not only can I not understand what your saying, I have a sneaking suspicion you're not saying anything at all. You're clearly trying to be funny, as this isn't a very serious attempt at a song, so perhaps you should have posted this in "comedy". It's not working, in fact it's annoying beyond all words.
- BillyReid from Victoria, Canada on 19May2005
well, this was a weird experience. it was artistic, but not my kind of music. experimental can be good, but i dont know if i liked this too much. sounds like it was recorded in a trashcan.
- mouf from Ume�, Sweden on 19May2005
Interesting... maybe.
Blue not the song, but the movie. Nice sample from it to start your song.
Very distorted vocals and whiny/snarly vocals. I have no idea what the singer is saying. Drums and guitar sound like something from an unreleased Beck song.
The melody isn't that engaging to me, or might be more inclined to listen to the inaudible singing.
There's a definite groove here that might be cool if I was drunk on a 7 day bender of Jack Daniels and Jager shots. I'm sure there's an audience for this, unfortunately it might only be the members of the band. But I applaud your effort to try something expermimental, at least.
- DonaldDarko from Middlesex, Virginia on 18May2005
Daniel Johnston?
Whats hits me is the Daniel J feeling, homemade and a little bit brilliant. Can't say I get the lyrics, but that probably the way it should be. The beats and mood a cool. The bassline works with the mood and with the beat of the drums.
- Declined from Oslo, Norway on 18May2005
WOW !!!!!
something, something, WHITE BOY !!! I don't know how this comedy tune got into the "power pop" but this is funny stuff! drums sure have a "live" feel to them although bass sounds like loops (lol)...
- ShallowCreek from Breezy Point, New York on 18May2005
I really don't know what to say. A part of me would honestly like to beleive that this is only a way of expressing one self in an extremely artistic manner, but I can't bring myself to do that. The recording quality is terrible, but has just enough clarity to hear the uncertain and wawering playing of the bass and drums... as they stagger to keep the song going, the "vocalis" mumbles something quite unexplanable in a voice put through such a distortion it might just as well be a bagpipe. It's hard to say whether there is actual tallent there or not, as the band doesn't even try.
And the beginning... shouting "let's fuck" to the beginning of this kind of a song is just awfull.
- Samu2 from Helsinki, Finland on 18May2005
Extra Credit Awards
Stupidest Song Ever-2
Thank You, White Boy was awarded the Stupidest Song in Power Pop for the week of, 5-30-05.
I also failed to mention that Thank You, White Boy was Track of the Day in Power Pop on May 21st, 2005.
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