Hey mother f'ers,
In our continuing blah blah blah, this time on GarageBand we decided to make a new song, or more accurately we reconfigured a few old songs. I made up a list of our songs that were shorter than two minutes, separated it by singer and sent it out to Rob, Jeff, and Mick, and asked them to pick one of their own songs. Rob picked
Hong Kong Monkey, Jeff picked
Song for the Working Girl, Mick picked
So High, and I picked
Mr. Potatoehead. Then I picked some bits to go before and after the songs, Rob mixed it all together, and whammo you got Crackhead Stew. It was only our second of about 12 songs to get Track of the Day in Experimental Rock. So sit back and read more about the song and what people thought of it. See you next time with, "Funky Tummy".
Crackhead Stew(6:25)

Score 3.0 out of 5.0
#116 of 185 in Current Experimental Rock
#747 of 1505 in All-Time Experimental Rock
HistoryWell this is going to be tricky, we'll do this one piece at a time.
The Greatest Show-this is all Mick, it is track 2 on the Buddha album
Hello, it lasts about 12 seconds.
Mr. Potatoehead-Mick plays the awesome key track on this, Scott sings and does the other noise, it goes to about the 1:45 mark, and originally appeared on the Tonto album
Close the Kitchen.
Time and Space-this is a cut from
Reefer Madness, it appears on the Buddha album
Drowning Into Darkness, it lasts until 1:53.
Song for the Working Girl-Jeff singing and playing guitar, with Mick playing Keys, and Scott providing some background woooo's, it appeared on Tonto's
Ruben, Where Are You? album, it lasts until 3:17.
*uck You-another track from the Buddha album
Hello, this features Jeff, Scott, and Mick, it lasts until 3:35.
Hong Kong Monkey-appears on the Buddha album
Tripping Through Oblivion (Disc 3), Rob sings, Mick plays Keys, Scott plays flute, it lasts until 4:27.
Bakin Like Betty Crocker-Scott talking from the Buddha album
Tripping Through Oblivion (Disc 1), it lasts until 4:34.
So High-this is from the Tonto album
Manifesto, Mick sings and plays guitar?, Jeff plays bass, it goes until 6:18.
Establishment-this is from the Buddha album
Wall of Sound, Scott talking, it lasts until 6:25 or the end depending on how you want to look at it.
LyricsYeah Rob (robarmor@hotmail.com) said that he was going to write them, send him an email reminding him.
Reviewsbadthe sound was bouncing around from right to left back and forth and i couldnt concentrate and then there was this angry talking with some organ sound int he bak, it was dreadful. this really isnt a song in the sense there is not a note sung, and i have no idea what the hell yer talking about or saying. this was really a disgusting display, bad.
- z0180 from Rochester, New York on 21Jun2005
Funny IntroToo muffled for my taste, I think the beginning would be a lot better if you could differinciate between the instruments. Cool breakdown with the guitars at 1;40. Interesting!
- PettyMusic from Northwest, Florida on 20Jun2005
go introI have no idea what the intro was but its cool. This is sounding more like techno than it is rock, could be that I cant distinguish the intruments well...the recording is dreadfull. Kinda sounds like bad hip hop. I like the organ or whatever though. Try not to be so abrasive with the vocals and get a better recording.
- Volta_Minor from Fort Collins, Colorado on 19Jun2005
Where do the ears go?Zappatas. I would maybe stand a little back from the mic next time. Lay off the beer for a while. Mick Jagger madness in mid red hot chilli fest eating tequila worm. Keep watchin the detectives tho.
- SnrBoaby from Encinadda, Catalunia, Spain on 18Jun2005
1000 f**ksIntro starts of with a very angry guy shouting, and a musician playing with the pan-effect. The melody is very aggressive, sounds a bit like Atari teenage riot (although you need a crazy 1000bpm beat). Weird lyrics though. Then at about 2:00 something happens. A singer song-writer singing a bit false starts singing about panties. this goes on for about 1:30. It stops and a voice starts speaking and a flute freaks out in the foreground. It sounds like someone has pressed play on tape, at a party where everybody's f*cked up on drugs. I'm not really convinced
- danhen from Odense, Fyn, Denmark on 17Jun2005
Way off focusInteresting indeed. There is definitely an element of hip-hop here, however I do not understand where the song is heading. Despite my fascination with the originality I get the impression that the awkwardness of the song is simple an excuse for the song to be labelled experimental. The lyrics are a bit lousy as are the vocals. To be honest, this song lacks puspose, focus, is ultimately distracting. I.m not sure if I would really call this music.
- Post_Pleasure from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on 17Jun2005
what in the he....The term 'Experimental Rock' obviously draws all sorts of strange concepts, but I can imagine few reviewers going to this category and actually allowing themselves to be subjected to the entirety of this piece. Fortunately, I'm a bit of a masochist. The first segment involved an vastly overdriven barrage of tonal excess. This was broken, uneasily, by a strangely weak section with a gtr and flute that were out of tune with each other, and a vocalist who may have been sincere, but was hopelessly outmatched by the instruments. The next section was dedicated to one Hong Kong Monkey. Long a monkey afficianado, I listened with rapt attention, and was once again disappointed. The final segment was just more of the same. These sections were linked by snatches of 'found' dialogue which only served to re-enforce the opinion that the artist(s) may be more familiar with alternative medications than their parents probably would like. The overall effect is that of a drug-induced attempt at a mock rock opera that needs more polish than Johnson Wax can provide. Please be aware that I am practicing inordinate restraint at having my time wasted like this. If this was an actual sincere attempt, I apologize for my abrasiveness, but the whole idea needs to be refined, re-recorded and put into a context that at least a segment of the audience might be able to relat to, otherwise, you're just committing musical masturbation.
- srm1138 from Wichita Falls, Texas on 16Jun2005
I put your song onPeople talking at the beggining...sounds lie it was from a movie or something...I like the distortion on the vocals...and the sund fx..the paaning effects are good..."i put your shoes on"....cool man, cool...The lyrics are hilarious...id consider putting this in the comedy section...lmao...POTATOHEAD....HA. I like the part where he says marijuana...then the song just tottaly changes...ah this is great, 5 out of 5....lol...I truly love it...funny as hell too!
- nosemint from Glen Rock, Pennsylvania on 16Jun2005
Is this Mr T playing the video game zeldaI think the Mr T with rabies voice needs to go and stop playing zelda on crack. Now this is a complete twist after the spawn of satan now we have a whiny cowboy who needs to check if he has schizoprhenia. This is terrifying I cannot express myself enough to say how
much this is a waste of music.
- tornadoofpetals from Glen Riddle Lima, Pennsylvania on 15Jun2005
On/Off/On/Off. Still - No Further ForwardPing-ponging between one ear and another before some scuzzy faux-scary circus clown on the keyboard tries to put me off reviewing it beyond the obligatory 90-second mark. Yeah, yeah I'll pull your teeth out you, you, you...Oh, there's the tune. Nice and lo-fi, probably recorded on some scrubber's back doorstep, surrounded by cats. Oh, lordy. Cack samples again. How will you try my patience? Or is the tune coming back? Hmm? There he is! bass player as well this time. Good bass riff, guitar likewise. Vocalist could do with a certain something...kick up the arse maybe. "Giving a finger to the establishment" - there is nothing so passe as the avant-garde, mate.
- wmerrowsmith from Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom on 14Jun2005
GlassesRight off the bat, the mixx sounds verry horrid. The "vocals" sound very hot in the mix and are incoherent. The bass is too overpowering and clips in a few areas, giving back a distorted feel. All the tracks sound out of sync with each other and it resembles one giant mess. Needs severe work.
- Karma_Diver from Tallahassee, Florida on 14Jun2005
Where'd you get these samples?I like the heavy throbbing distortion in the intro. The second part is less exciting. The strumming guitar is annoying and the lyrics aren't funny enough to carry it. This song is so schizophrenic I'm having trouble reviewing it. As soon as I complete a sentence the song has completely changed. That's always a good thing. Again the singing part at the end, isn't enough to carry the song for as long as it lasts. Maybe you could cut these parts shorter. Overall I like the Mothers of INvention/ Stereopathic Soul Manure feel to it.
- UnnecessaryEvil from Los Angeles, California, Antarctica on 14Jun2005
Shotgun Shack Partytime"Potatoe headed Bobby was a friend of mine". Truly bizarre and hilarious. Quite satisfactory in the laughter department. The little known WWF sponsor of a child's toy. The music here was very anally expulsive, very free and flowing. Definitely inspired by the influences of some kind of opiate sandwiched between some sort of other narcotic then ingested somehow. I kept hoping you'd get back to potatoe-headed Bobby. I couldn't tell if you were making fun of stoners or agrandizing them. Maybe it could be a little clearer what you're going for. Over-all, I enjoyed the experimentation. The intonation was obviously deliberate and worked well on the peice of canvas that this was. Better recordings of SOME of the parts might be useful in tempering this one. -Marshmallow Man
- splendorlex from Chicago, Illinois on 13Jun2005
Did you really intend for people to hear this..Sounds like a recording off the board at a live show. Major distortion, uneven mix. Funny lyrics however. Total change at 2 minutes....Again, major distortion and uneven mix, with funny lyrics. Ok, another change around 3 minutes.(insert above comments here)
- W_S_Bridge from Hendersonville, North Carolina on 13Jun2005
artyi get the instant feeling that yall listen to buckethead. cool lyrics. interesting feel, wuold be perfect as part of a piece of performance art. really dig the vibe.
- mu5ik16 from Los Angeles, California on 13Jun2005
Funny, bizarreImpressions at the beginning of this song: It seems like quite a funny idea but how can it possibly go on for 6:25? Of course, the answer came around 1:45 when it changed to an almost completely different song. It's like we have a mini-operetta here. I like the experimental form--all of the amusing lyrics have their effect and the sections are short enough to not wear out their welcome. Of course, this isn't the kind of music I'd listen to multiple times. It has that air of novelty music. That being said, it was very amusing to hear this once and I think you'd be very entertaining live. The sound quality is awful, but that almost lends to the charm. You made me laugh.
- DrunkenChopin from Buffalo, New York on 13Jun2005
Truly bizarreThis is genuinely strange, like six minutes of various sounds and conversations and silences and finally a bit of a song thrown in there. It is not remotely enjoybable, but it is vaguely intriguing at times. Feels like the sound of snippets taken from a camcorder tape that's been repeatedly recorded over to leave fagments of what was there before.
- VascoJ from Dublin, Ireland on 13Jun2005
Lengthy IntroThe mix is fair to partly cloudy. Not sure about the lyrics kinda sounds creepy. This seems like a very experimental piece. Not sure what is trying to be accomplished here. Personally the piece to me is not artistic it's garbage. Goood luck.
- monkeyplaydrums from Sheridan, Wyoming on 12Jun2005
Intro was coolThe intro was cool, even though I don't know what it was. I thought the vocals, production, and arragnment were bold, original, cool...I liked it.
- FUNCH from Everytown, New Jersey on 12Jun2005
howdythis is funny. potato head. I like this - very effective. The marijuana thing is a mistake. This needs to end with the last potato head at 1:35 or so... If it had ended there, I would have given this a 5. Instead, you guys force upon me a whole bunch of mistakes starting with the obvious and uninteresting marijuana thing. The profanity just feels like "hey look at us we're saying dirty words." In the current media landscape, you have to be very careful about the use of profanity. Because you run the risk of being dismissed as stupid. The fly so high part of the song? Just terrible. you guys must be really young. 19? 20? I'll prolly join your fan list. I'm interested in seeing how y'all develop. You obviously have some good instincts. But you can't make so many mistakes.
- mrstrauss from Temple City, California on 12Jun2005
coolthis is wierd but different so its ok potato head not too much to say about this tho except to keep saying potato head
- JoeWitch from Ft Lauderdale, Florida on 11Jun2005
screaming lord beefheartFirst 2:00 were great what with the ? and the Mysterians keyboard action and the totally psychotic vocals. The next part was sort of early Flaming Lip type action. Didn't really like the last part -seemed a little too RHCP or something. Interesting mix of styles though. A fairly disturbing number which I'm pretty sure is the intention here - so an excellent job overall.
- harrysson from Hagerstown, Maryland on 11Jun2005
funny. very funny.Well, the intro is kind of interesting. Crazily panning shouting and stuff. Then a creepy keyboard riff comes in, and then some strange vocals come in about...being a Mr. Potatohead doll? What the hell? I pull your legs off, I pull your eyes. This is by far the stupidest song I thing I've ever heard. But I love it! It's pure chaos and noise! POTATOHEAD! Then around 1:45, the yelling about potatohead stops, and then...what? Strummed acoustic guitar chords? That's definitely a mood shift. Then you start singing about something that seems vaguely sexual...wait, is this about looking at a girl changing through her window? Man, that's just a little bit creepy. But it's funny, especially over the nice ballad-like guitar riff. Then it stops and you here the work fuck over and over. This is quite possibly one of the most unpredictable songs. Then a bunch of random squeaking comes in and starts talking about humping a monkey? THere hand's too big? Wow...this is really funny. Usually, I would hate this and tell you to quit being so immature. Then it goes into a riff that reminds me of the red hot chili peppers, only not quite as good. I'm really not sure what to say about this. Is it genius? Or is it just simply retarded. I really can't tell. All I know is that I like the potatohead part...
- applesandvodka from Misplaced Commas, Are Fun on 11Jun2005
Extra Credit AwardsOriginality-5
Stupidest Song Ever-4
Male Vocals-1
Crackhead Stew was awarded Track of the Day in Experimental Rock on 6-23-05.