Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Saul Bellow

Saul Bellow died today. One of those authors I always meant to read more of. Henderson the Rain King has been on my 'to read' list forever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eulogy: As you all may or may not know I personally consider "Henderson The Rain King" to be #1 on the books that I have read, and I've read a great many books.
It wasn't the most enjoyable read, far from it, it actually took me the better part of 3 years to read it. At that point in my life I was reading a lot, I consider reading to be a fairly difficult task unless your reading regularly, but I was reading regularly at that time, and I could pound through three to five books a week. Some for school, some for pleasure. Not easy stuff either, Shakespeare and Dos Passos and Bronte and a little Heinlein on the weekends. So I start reading "Henderson the Rain King", and after three weeks I could only get to page 30, and it wasn't like it wasn't good, it was just really difficult to read, every sentence had so much going on it that you had to take your time to fully understand what was going on. So I took a break on it, then I went back, then I'd take a break, and over the course of three years I finished it. So what's the story about, I was going to go off on this long explanation, with journeys into the many facets, argue the man vs. nature, man vs. man, nonsense, but instead i'll tell you that it's about this crazy guy, who goes off to africa in search of something, kills a bunch of frogs, has encounters with lions, and becomes a god to some indignous people, and then something else happens, and probably a little bit more after that. Oh yeah, can't forget about "I Want". So in closing Saul, I love you, I'll miss you, and maybe someday I'll read one of your other books.

11:34 PM  

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